# Fire up system container for GN-QA System # Tags * assigned: bonfacem, alexm The current code is a WIP. Patches will be sent after a working container is set-up. Most recent code can be found at /home/bonfacem/gn-machines and the current confs that were copied to the respective paths can be found at: /home/bonfacem/qa-set-up-files/. Important files that were changed/introduced are: /home/bonfacem/gn-machines/{qa-gn.scm, qa-gn-deploy.sh, genenetwork/services/genenetwork.scm}. ### Setting up SSL Keys Generated RS256 key-pairs by following: => Generating How to generate Key-Pairs Currently, on tux02, you can find the key-pairs: ``` ls /home/bonfacem/qa-set-up-files/*pem ``` These have been saved in ``` /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/var/ssl ``` The client key pairs have been saved in: ``` /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/var/ssl/clients-public-keys/ ``` If the above directory is empty, gn-auth will crap out. In the container, we have that mounted as: ``` --share=/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/var/ssl=/var/ssl ``` Because of permission issues, this is a lazy work-around---when setting up the container---to get things up and running: ``` (for-each (lambda (file) (chmod file #o777)) (find-files #$ssl-path #:directories? #t)) ``` and for the gunicorn app, for similar issues around permissions: ``` (gunicorn-app (name "gn-auth") (package gn-auth) (sockets (list (forge-ip-socket (port gn-auth-port)))) (wsgi-app-module "gn_auth:create_app()") (workers 20) (environment-variables (list (environment-variable (name "GN_AUTH_CONF") (value gn-auth-conf)) (environment-variable (name "HOME") (value "/tmp")) (environment-variable (name "AUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT") (value "true")))) (mappings (list database-mapping [...] (file-system-mapping (source ssl-path) (target source) (writable? #t))))) ``` ### GN2 Set-up Had the following tangled to /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/etc/genenetwork/gn2-secrets.py: ``` SECRET_KEY="XXXX" OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID="XXXX" OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET="XXXX" ``` ### GN3 Set-up Had the following tangled to /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/etc/genenetwork/gn3-secrets.py: ``` SECRET_KEY="XXXX" FAHAMU_AUTH_TOKEN="XXXX" ``` ### gn-auth Set-up Had the following tangled to /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/gn-qa/etc/genenetwork/gn3-secrets.py: ``` SECRET_KEY="XXXX" FAHAMU_AUTH_TOKEN="XXXXX" ``` For the db, I manually inserted entries for Bonfacem and AlexM using scripts from gn-auth in SQLITE and saved that to /export/data/gn-qa/genenetwork-sqlite/auth-qa.db ### Nginx configuration / Building the container Added this block to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf: ``` stream { [...] upstream qa-gn-genenetwork { server; } [...] map $ssl_preread_server_name $upstream { qa.genenetwork.org qa-gn-genenetwork; qa-auth.genenetwork.org qa-gn-genenetwork; [...] } ``` Reload nginx gracefully: ``` sudo systemctl reload nginx ``` ### AI Set-up and Systemd service set-up XXX: TODO with Alexm ### Troubleshooting In the container SSL issues were resolved by running: ``` /usr/bin/acme renew ``` Error related to a missing key in GN2 when trying to sign a new user in wqflask/oauth2/toplevel.py: ``` [...] "sub": request.args["user_id"] [...] ````` was fixed by using the latest gn-auth code. The one in guix-bioinformatics is stale. There was an error when displaying the error page. Fixed upstream in guix-bioinformatics: => https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/commit/?id=7f9908d03acd6d2c44733188122313036dc63b64 Whenever our git instance fails, CD---in particular auth---will fail. This needs further investigation. Restarting the CD container will fix things.