# Fallbacks We will run fallback servers using Arun's Guix machine configuration. # Tags * assigned: pjotrp * priority: medium * type: system administration * keywords: system administration, GN, tux01, tux02, tux04, balg01 # Tasks Prepare backups to copy to the new machines: * [.] Copy backup from tux01 to balg01 * [.] Copy backup from tux01 to tux04 * [ ] Copy backup from tux01 to tb * [ ] Make sure CRON works on tux01 for balg01 * [ ] Make sure CRON works on tux01 for tux04 * [ ] Make sure CRON works on tb * [ ] Create borg-borg on tux04 * [ ] Create borg-borg on tb * [ ] Add CRON `borg prune' on tux01