# Profiling Python code As part of improving the system, there is need to identify and fix/improve the performance bottlenecks in the code. This document details examples of how one would run various profilers, for both GeneNetwork2 and GeneNetwork3 ## GeneNetwork3 ### cProfile Syntax: * env [various-env-vars] python3 -m cProfile the-script.py where * `[various-env-vars]` is a number of environment variables that might be needed for the running of the script, e.g. `SQL_URI` which is used to define how to connect to the database. * `the-script.py` is the name of the python script to be run under the profiler The output can be redirected, e.g. * env [various-env-vars] python3 -m cProfile the-script.py 2>error.log 1>performance.log which should help will separating errors from the performance data, for easier analysis ## Tags * type: documentation * keywords: profiling, python