# LMDB Phenotype/Genotype Store

* lead: bonfacem
* team: fred, alex
* contact: pjotr

Please go through:

=> https://github.com/BonfaceKilz/gn-dataset-dump
=> https://github.com/genenetwork/dump-genenetwork-database

## Tasks
* Go through the above repository.  We'll have a check in on Friday 23 to discuss this.
* Write and package guile-lmdb.  Use cl-lmdb as inspiration
* Find out a more efficient way to store utf-8 strings
* Integrate LMDB in GN:
* Rewrite some statistical computations using LMDB+RDF
* Integrate editing LMDB entries using Fred's new auth system

## Actionable items (Week 1):
* [A] Setup a directoryallowed for dumping rdf files
* [A] Autogenerate documentation: trees, and labels.  How do you test for correctness and completeness in a data store?
* [C] guile bindings for lmdb for important stuff
* [B] Using hashes to track updates on database---proposal

* Fetching all the phenotype data from the database using sql and genotype file
* Using LMBD as input for correlations---make proposal for how we can export data in a way we can use

* example implementation for this:
=> https://github.com/Alexanderlacuna/correlation_rust/pull/3/files#diff-87f0275ed65ae8ffe36df25091c9b975defbc920da7b5ec3c2dadb7d57ad4d67

* Fetch metadata in RDF and possibly document things