# Using Architecture Decision Records at GeneNetwork * author: bonfacem * reviewed-by: fredm, jnduli > One of the hardest things to track during the life of a project is the motivation behind certain decisions. A new person coming on to a project may be perplexed, baffled, delighted, or infuriated by some past decision. > -- Michael Nygard When building or maintaining software, there's often moments when we ask, "What were they thinking?" This happens when we are trying to figure out why something was done a certain way, leading to speculation, humor, or criticism[0]. Given the constraints we face when writing code, it's important to make sure that important decisions are well-documented and transparent. Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) are one such tool. They provide a structured way to capture the reasoning behind key decisions. ADRs consist 4 key sections [0]: * Status: An ADR begins with a proposed status. After discussions, it will be accepted or rejected. It is also possible for a decision to be superseded by a newer ADR later on. * Context: The context section outlines the situation or problem, providing the background and constraints relevant to the decision. This section is meant to frame the issue concisely, not as a lengthy blog post or detailed explanation. * Decision: This section clearly defines the chosen approach and the specific actions that will be taken to address the issue. * Consequences: This part lays out the impact or outcomes of the decision, detailing the expected results and potential trade-offs. Optionally, when an ADR is rejected, you can add a section: * Rejection Rationale: Briefly provides some context for why the ADR was rejected. At GeneNetwork, we manage ADRs within our issue tracker, organizing them under the path "/topics/ADR/<project-name>/XXX-name.gmi". The "XXX" represents a three-digit number, allowing for an easy, chronological order of the proposals as they are created. Here is a template for a typical ADR in Genenetwork: ``` # [<project>/ADR-<XXX>] Title * author: author-name * status: proposed * reviewed-by: A, B, C ## Context Some context. ## Decision Decisions. ## Consequences Consequences. ``` Here are some examples of Genenetwork specific ADRs: => https://issues.genenetwork.org/topics/ADR/gn3/000-add-test-cases-for-rdf [gn3/ADR-000] Add RDF Test Case => https://issues.genenetwork.org/topics/ADR/gn3/000-remove-stace-traces-in-gn3-error-response [gn3/ADR-001] Remove Stack Traces in GN3 ### References => https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/mastering-api-architecture/9781492090625/ [0] Gough, J., Bryant, D., & Auburn, M. (2022). Mastering API Architecture: Design, Operate, and Evolve API-based Systems. O'Reilly Media, Incorporated. => https://adr.github.io/ [1] Architectural Decision Records. Homepage of the ADR GitHub organization => https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prescriptive-guidance/latest/architectural-decision-records/adr-process.html [2] Amazon's ADR process => https://cloud.google.com/architecture/architecture-decision-records [3] Google Cloud Center Architecture Decision Records Overview