# R/qtl2 and GEMMA Format Notes This document is mostly to help other non-biologists figure out their way around the format(s) of the R/qtl2 files. It mostly deals with the meaning/significance of the various fields. From the R/qtl2 format documentation: > The comma-delimited (CSV) files are each in the form of a simple matrix, with the first column being a set of IDs and the first row being a set of variable names. and > All of these CSV files may be transposed relative to the form described below. We are going to consider the "non-transposed" form here, for ease of documentation: simply flip the meanings as appropriate for the transposed files. To convert between formats we should probably use python as that is what can use as 'esperanto'. ## Control files Both GN and R/qtl2 have control files. For GN it basically describes the individuals (genometypes) and looks like: ```js { "mat": "C57BL/6J", "pat": "DBA/2J", "f1s": ["B6D2F1", "D2B6F1"], "genofile" : [{ "title" : "WGS-based (Mar2022)", "location" : "BXD.8.geno", "sample_list" : ["BXD1", "BXD2", "BXD5", "BXD6", "BXD8", "BXD9", "BXD11", "BXD12", "BXD13", "BXD14", "BXD15", "BXD16", "BXD18", "BXD19", "BXD20", "BXD21", "BXD22", "BXD23", "BXD24", "BXD24a", "BXD25", "BXD27", "BXD28", "BXD29", "BXD30", "BXD31", "BXD32", "BXD33", "BXD34", "BXD35", "BXD36", "BXD37", "BXD38", "BXD39", "BXD40", "BXD41", "BXD42", "BXD43", "BXD44", ...]}]} ``` In gn-guile this gets parsed in gn/data/genotype.scm to fetch the individuals that match the genotype and phenotype layouts. ## pheno files and phenotypes The standard GEMMA input files are not very good for trouble shooting. R/qtl2 has at least the individual or genometype ID for every line: ``` id,bolting_days,seed_weight,seed_area,ttl_seedspfruit,branches,height,pc_seeds_aborted,fruit_length MAGIC.1,15.33,17.15,0.64,45.11,10.5,NA,0,14.95 MAGIC.2,22,22.71,0.75,49.11,4.33,42.33,1.09,13.27 MAGIC.3,23,21.03,0.68,57,4.67,50,0,13.9 ``` This is a good standard and can match with the control files. ## geno files > The genotype data file is a matrix of individuals × markers. The first column is the individual IDs; the first row is the marker names. For GeneNetwork, this means that the first column contains the Sample names (previously "strain names"). The first row would be a list of markers. ## gmap and pmap files The first column of the gmap/pmap file contains genetic marker values. There are no Individuals/samples (or strains) here. ## phenocovar files These seem to contain extra metadata for the phenotypes. The first column is the list of phenotype identifiers whereas the first column is a list of metadata headers (phenotype covariates). As an example, => https://github.com/rqtl/qtl2data/blob/main/BXD/bxd_phenocovar.csv The phenocovar file for BXD mice We see here that this contains the individual identifier (id), and a description for each individual/sample. # References => https://kbroman.org/qtl2/assets/vignettes/input_files.html => https://github.com/rqtl/qtl2data