# AI Community Symposium at iHub Monday Jan 30, 2023 at 2-4pm we are organising a short open community symposium on data science and AI at iHub Nairobi. ## GPT-3 Everyone has heard about OpenAI ChatGPT by now and experts agree that natural language processing has turned a corner with exciting potential. Dr Shelby Solomon Darnell, an independent AI expert formerly with IBM Research and Strathmore University, is working together with Nairobi startup Fahamu Inc to create The GeneNetwork Digest, an application where researchers can ask biomedical questions to a specialised document repository. Shelby will explain the state-of-the-art with examples. Shelby and Adrian Kibet, CEO of Fahamu, will field questions. Brian Muhia is writing the software, called Digest, and will be available for questions too. ## Data Science Africa Bonface Munyoki is an open source developer and a Masters student at Strathmore Univesity who won a junior data science award with Data Science Africa http://www.datascienceafrica.org/ to work on making data available for machine learning and AI for biomedical data in Africa. Bonface will talk about his project that entails converting a traditional SQL database, comprising over 80 tables, to RDF, the language of the semantic web. The goal of this conversion is to leverage the benefits of RDF databases, which are known for their flexibility in data storage and retrieval, the ability to store and query relationships, and their ability to enable machines to reason about content. This information will be fed to GPT-3, augmenting the work of Dr. Shelby and Fahamu in the process. ## Leveraging Data Science for a Strategic Advantage in Agriculture: Case of icipe Dr. Kennedy Senagi will talk about how the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology is Leveraging Data Science for a Strategic Advantage in Agriculture. Dr. Senagi holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Parallel Computing) from Université Paris8, France. He is a Postdoctoral Fellow (Data Management) under the Data Management, Modelling, and Geo-Information Unit. Dr. Caleb Kibet is a bioinformatics postDoc at icipe, a lecturer, and an open science advocate. Icipe's mission is to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security and improve the overall health status of peoples of the tropics by developing and extending management tools and strategies for harmful and useful arthropods while preserving the natural resource base through research and capacity building. Dr. Senagi and Dr. Kibet will take questions on Genomics Data Science. ## Discussion forum We will conclude with an open discussion forum between speakers and audience. You can not only ask questions about the discussed topics, but also about joining a data science masters, running a startup and other career opportunities in Science. Dr Pjotr Prins will chair the forum. Pjotr is faculty with the University of Tennesee and an adjunct professor of bioinformatics with the university of Pwani, Kilifi and affiliated with KEMRI/Wellcome Trust. Pjotr takes much interest in software development and making research data available for analysis. Note: to enter iHub you need to bring an ID. Note: We will try to keep a zoom line open during the conference. We'll send an invitation closer to the time. If you want an invite you can write email@. Topic: Fahamu Inc and GeneNetwork announcement Time: Jan 30, 2023 02:00 PM Nairobi Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82313801430?pwd=TnhUdzA3YU4rRjlBd1V0dWo0dUdXUT09