# Machine room tasks

# Tags

* assigned: pjotrp
* priority: medium
* type: system administration
* keywords: system administration, octopus, gateway, tux02, tux01, tux03

# Tasks

## GN

* [ ] Transfer nervenet.org to dnsimple
* [ ] Trait vectors for Johannes
* [ ] nft on tux04
* [ ] !!Organize pluto, update Julia and add apps to GN menu Jupyter notebooks
* [ ] !!Xusheng jumpshiny services
* [ ] Fix apps and create system containers for herd services - see issues/systems/apps
* [ ] Slurm+ravanan on production for GEMMA speedup
* [ ] Embed R/qtl2 (Alex)
* [ ] Hoot in GN2 (Andrew)
* [ ] tux02 certbot failing (manual now)
* [ ] penguin2 has 32TB of space we can use on NFS/backups

## Octopus:

* [X] Fix Tux05 badblocks on /dev/sdb2   1050624  47925247 46874624 22.4G Linux filesystem
  - see add-boot-partition
* [+] Copy linux partition on tux04, tux05, tux02 and test reboot
* [ ] !!Ceph on Tuxes
* [ ] Centralized user management system
* [ ] Monitor nodes
* [ ] Check machines so they talk with each other over fiber

## Backups & storage:

* [ ] Create and check backups of tux04 etc etc.
* [ ] set up zero to backup tux02 and report to redis
* [ ] reintroduce borg-borg on zero
* [+] run sheepdog as root: redis password error; introduce SHEEPDOG_CONF
* [ ] tux01 has unused 4TB spinning disk
* [ ] tux02 has unused 2x4TB spinning disks and 2TB nvme /dev/nvme0n1 on adapter
      apt-get install fwupd fwupdate
      fwupdmgr get-devices
      fwupdmgr update
      The previously problematic Samsung 980 Pro was basically using the 3B2QGXA7, and now Samsung has introduced a new 5B2QGXA7 firmware to fix the problem. The problem mainly affects the 2TB version of the 980 Pro


* [ ] Limit idrac access

## Spice

* [ ] Add 2nd boot partition on balg01
* [ ] Add firewall test to sheepdog

## Done

* [X] describe machines with Rick Stripes
* [X] get bacchus back on line
* [X] fix www.genenetwork.org and gn2.genenetwork.org https
* [-] get data from summer211.uthsc.edu (access machine room)
* [X] VPN access and FoUT
* [X] lambda: get fiber working
* [X] lambda: add to Octopus HPC
* [X] lambda: racked up and runs
* [X] lambda: add network (Roger)
    link/ether 7c:c2:55:11:9c:ac brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic eno1
* [X] lambda: get service tag Tamara (with Erik?)
* [X] lambda: install ubuntu (with Erik)
* [X] Order storage and caddies (w. Tamara)
* [X] Spice: Firewall out of band
* [X] Spice: Add storage
* [X] Tux01 and Tux02 disk space issues
* [X] Reinstate backup drops on tux02, rabbit, &space and &epysode; reduce incoming IP
* [X] Pluto tool with Zach & Efraim
* [X] Order drives and caddies tux01 & tux02 (with @haoc)
* [X] Introduce &disk space and mdstat monitor
* [X] Machine room HDDs
* [X] decommission/surplus out-racked machines (whith @arthurc)
      + see also ../issues/systems/decommission-machines.gmi
* [X] Install tux04-tux09
* [X] tux04 and tux05 give errors
* [X] use fiber optics for subnet Octopus and Tuxes
* [X] Octopus11 has no fiber
* [X] tux06 has temp fiber
* [X] tux07 has no fiber
* [X] tux08 has no fiber
* [X] tux09 has no fiber
### Lambda
* [X] remote access? (with Erik)
  * [X] get BMC password
* [X] space server out-of-band access
### Spice
* [X] Run GN off balg01
* [X] Convert balg02 to Guix server