# Tasks for Dan ## Tags * assigned: dana, pjotrp * priority: medium * type: system administration * status: unclear * keywords: system administration, octopus, gateway, tux02, tux01 ## Tasks * [ ] tux01 should see rabbit - there is a route, but no access traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 0.735 ms 0.725 ms 0.756 ms 2 rabbit.uthsc.edu ( 0.689 ms 0.695 ms 0.698 ms * [ ] rabbit should access tux01 on ssh+http(s) * [ ] connect 10Gbs to tux01(?) - needs to be a new IP * [+] mount new hard disks on tux02 and tux01 (with @haoc) * [X] move lily inside VPN * [X] move quadxeon inside VPN * [ ] machine room access for Pjotr * [ ] space server out-of-band * [+] rabbit https and GN2 https * [ ] get data from summer211.uthsc.edu (access machine room) * [ ] decommission out-racked machines (whith @arthurc) => ../issues/systems/decommission-machines.gmi ## Info Tux02 and Penguin2 switched network IP addresses. The second is now only available through the VPN: => tux02.genenetwork.org => penguin2.genenetwork.org ## Done * [X] move tux02 into position p2 * [X] disconnect tux02 from 10Gbs