# Tasks for Munyoki ## Tags * kanban: bonfacem * assigned: bonfacem * status: in progress ## Tasks * [X] Indexing generif data / Improve Local Search * [ ] lmdb publishdata output and share with Pjotr and Johannes * [ ] Add lmdb output hashes to RDF metadata * [ ] https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/blob/testing/scripts/sample_count.py * [ ] Describe Generif access for Rob * [ ] Add case attributes to RDF and share with Felix * [ ] xapian search, add dataset size keys, as well as GN accession id, trait id, and date * [ ] Improve xapian markdown docs to show all used fields/keys with examples * [+] Use aider * [ ] Rest API for precompute output ## Later * [ ] AI improvements ### On going tasks => https://issues.genenetwork.org/search?query=assigned%3ABonfaceKilz+AND+is%3Aopen+AND+status%3Ain-progress&type=all All in-progress tasks ### Stalled (To Be Done/Completed) => https://issues.genenetwork.org/search?query=assigned%3ABonfaceKilz+AND+tag%3Astalled+AND+is%3Aopen&type=open-issueo All stalled taskse that are to be promoted to in-progress ### Unclear Issues Ad-hoc issues that were picked some where some how: => https://issues.genenetwork.org/search?type=open-issue&query=assigned%3ABonfaceKilz%20AND%20NOT%20tag%3Astalled%20AND%20NOT%20tag%3Ain-progress%20AND%20status%3Aunclear%20OR%20priority%3Aunclear Unclear Issues ### Closed Issues Should something in one of these closed issues be amiss, we can always and should re-open the offending issue. Currently closed issues are: => https://issues.genenetwork.org/search?type=closed-issue&query=assigned%3ABonfaceKilz%20AND%20type%3Aissue%20AND%20is%3Aclosed Closed Issues