# Variant Browser seems to be using mm9

## Tags

* assigned:
* priority: unclear
* type: bug
* status: stalled
* keywords: variant browser, mm9, from github

## Members

* acenteno
* robw
* pjotrp

## Description

=> https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/issues/581 From GitHub

When looking for SNPs in GN2, the gene annotations (and, I think, the SNPs) of the results do not match the query.
Searching for a gene gives correct coordinates in the search box at http://www.genenetwork.org/snp_browser, but the results are for the same coordinates in mm9 (see screenshot).

The example is for a search for 'Snx6' (chr12 54.746356 - 54.795662).

=> https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35666678/119680694-b6906480-be41-11eb-9070-9f4c2dffb499.png Screenshot