# GN2 Time Machines GN1 time machines are pretty straightforward. With GN2 the complexity has increased a lot because of interacting services and a larger dependency graph. Here I track what it takes today to install a fallback instance of GN2 that is 'frozen' in time. ## Tags * assigned: pjotrp * status: in progress * priority: medium * type: system administration * keywords: systems, production ## Tasks Also a time line: * [X] Install machine software and physical (est. 4-8 hours) * [X] Sync backups on a daily basis and add monitoring (2 hours) * [X] Set up Mariadb and sync from backup (4 hours) * [X] GN2 production environment with nginx & genotype_files (2 hours) * [ ] GN3 Genenetwork3 service (Python) * [ ] GN3 aliases server (Racket) * [ ] GN3 auth proxy (Racket) * [ ] set up https and letsencrypt * [ ] setup logrotate for production log files * [ ] Check performance and install monitors ## INFO ### Setting up Guix We tend to install software in a guix profile. E.g. ``` guix pull -p ~/opt/guix-pull . /home/wrk/opt/guix-pull/etc/profile guix package -i mariadb -p /usr/local/guix-profiles/mariadb ``` To get to genenetwork we use a channel. The last working channel on the CI can be downloaded from https://ci.genenetwork.org/channels.scm. Now do ``` guix pull -C channels.scm -p ~/opt/guix-gn-channel . ~/opt/guix-gn-channel/etc/profile guix package -i genenetwork2 -p ~/opt/genenetwork2 ``` That sets the profile to ~/opt/genenetwork2. Note that these commands may take a while. And when guix starts building lots of software it may be necessary to configure a substitute server (we use guix.genenetwork.org) adding --substitute-urls="http://guix.genenetwork.org https://ci.guix.info". ### Mariadb (est. 1-2 hours) Set up a global Mariadb ``` guix package -i mariadb -p /usr/local/guix-profiles/mariadb ``` Usually I use the Debian version to set up defaults ``` apt-get install mariadb cd /etc/systemd/system cp /lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service . systemctl disable mariadb ``` Add to systemd ```diff +Type=simple +CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_IPC_LOCK CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE CAP_AUDIT_WRITE +PrivateDevices=false +ProtectHome=false +ExecStart=/usr/local/guix-profiles/mariadb/bin/mariadbd --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mariadb.pid $MYSQLD_OPTS $_WSREP_NEW_CLUSTER $_WSREP_START_POSITION +PIDFile=/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.pid +# ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c "systemctl unset-environment _WSREP_START_POSITION" -ExecStartPost=/etc/mysql/debian-start +RestartSec=15s +TimeoutStartSec=infinity +TimeoutStopSec=infinity ``` comment out the galera ExecStart too. ``` systemctl enable mariadb-guix.service ``` Make sure all symlinks point to our configuration file. Before starting systemd you may want to make sure the database is running. ``` /usr/local/guix-profiles/mariadb/bin/mariadbd --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mariadb.pid --verbose (--help) ``` as root you should be able to login with ``` mysql -e 'show databases' ``` ### Mariadb database from backup We have daily incremental backups on P2, Tux02 and Epysode. First restore the files with ``` . ~/.borg-pass cd /export2/tux01-restore borg extract --progress /export2/backup/tux01/borg-tux01::borg-backup-mariadb-20220815-03:13-Mon ``` Extracting 430Gb takes about 90 minutes. Now make sure mariadb is stopped. Copy the database to fast storage. Set permissions correctly: ``` chown mysql.mysql -R /var/lib/mysql ``` Check them and symlink the DB dir: ``` root@epysode:/export/tux01-mirror# cp -vau /export2/tux01-restore/home/backup/tux01_mariadb_new . systemctl stop mariadb ln -s /export/tux01-mirror/tux01_mariadb_new/latest /var/lib/mysql systemctl start mariadb /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-profiles/mariadb/bin/mysql_upgrade -u webqtlout -pwebqtlout /export/backup/scripts/tux02/system_check.sh ``` In the process I discover that ibdata1 file has grown to 100GB. Not a problem yet, but we should purge that on production at some point => https://www.percona.com/blog/2013/08/20/why-is-the-ibdata1-file-continuously-growing-in-mysql/ (obviously we don't want to use mysqldump right now, but I'll need to do some future work). ### Setting up GN2 Create a gn2 user and checkout the git repo in /home/gn2/production/gene. Note that there exists also a backup of gn2 in borg which has a 'run_production.sh' script. Running the script will give feedback ``` su gn2 cd /home/gn2/production/ sh run_production.sh ``` You'll find you need the Guix install of gn2. Starting with guix section above. ### Genotype files GN2 requires a set of files that is in the backup ``` borg extract borg-genenetwork::borg-ZACH-home-20220819-04:04-Fri home/zas1024/gn2-zach/genotype_files/ ``` move the genotype_files and update the path in `gn2_settings.py` which is in the same dir as the run_production.sh script. ### Configure Nginx You'll need to tell Nginx to forward to the web server. Something like: ``` server { listen 80; server_name gn2-fallback.genenetwork.org; access_log /var/log/nginx/gn2-danny-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/gn2-danny-error.log; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; client_max_body_size 8050m; proxy_read_timeout 300; proxy_connect_timeout 300; proxy_send_timeout 300; } } ``` ### Setting up GN3 Without gn3 the menu will not show on the main page and you see 'There was an error retrieving and setting the menu. Try again later.' GN3 is a separate REST server that has its own dependencies. A bit confusingly it is also a Python module dependency for GN2. So we need to set up both 'routes'. First checkout the genenetwork3 repo as gn2 user ``` su gn2 cd /home/gn2 mkdir -p gn3_production cd gn3_production git clone https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork3.git ``` Check the genenetwork3 README for latest instructions on starting the service as a Guix container. Typically ``` guix shell -C --network --expose=$HOME/production/genotype_files/ -Df guix.scm ``` where genotype_files is the dir you installed earlier. Run it with, for example ``` export FLASK_APP="main.py" flask run --port=8081 ``` I.e., the same port as GN2 expects in gn2_settings.py. Test with ``` curl localhost:8081/api/version "1.0" ``` Next set up the external API with nginx by adding the following path to above definition: ``` location /gn3 { rewrite /gn3/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; } ``` and if DNS is correct you should get ``` curl gn2-fallback.genenetwork.org/gn3/api/version "1.0" ``` To generate the main menu the server does a request to $.ajax(gn_server_url +'api/menu/generate/json. On production that is https://genenetwork.org/api3/api/menu/generate/json which is actually gn3(!) ``` curl http://gn2-fallback.genenetwork.org/gn3/api/menu/generate/json ``` If this gives an error check the gn3 output log. Perhaps obviously, on a production server GN3 should be running as a proper service. ### Alias service There is another GN3 service that resolves wikidata Gene aliases ``` su gn2 cd ~/gn3_production git clone https://github.com/genenetwork/gn3.git ``` follow the instructions in the README and you should get ``` curl localhost:8000/gene/aliases/Shh ["Hx","ShhNC","9530036O11Rik","Dsh","Hhg1","Hxl3","M100081","ShhNC"] ``` ### Authentication proxy The proxy also needs to run. ``` su gn2 cd ~/gn3_production git clone https://github.com/genenetwork/gn-proxy.git ``` See README ### Trouble shooting Check the server log for errors from the server. There should be one in /home/gn2/production/tmp/. For example you may see ``` ERROR:wqflask:404: Not Found: 7:20AM UTC Aug 20, 2022: http://gn2-fallback.genenetwork.org/api/api/menu/generate/json ``` pointing out the setting in gn2_settings.py is wrong. Use the console bar of the browse to see what JS error you get. If you get CORS errors it is because you are using a server that is not genenetwork.org and this is usually a configuration issue.