# Quality Control Project

Develop an app with a web interface to automate the job of cleaning tsv data
files for entry. The app would be used by a group of users on a network to
upload data.

QC should be embedded functionality of the data uploader that Bonface has written.

* Upload data through REST API - it goes into a temp dir for a user (data is in
   escrow) - Bonface wrote this already
* Run QC - what Arthur proposes (start here)
* Show results - run tools (hard part!)
* User can say - please accept data (Bonface wrote this)
* Curator accepts data (different person!) (Bonface wrote this)
* Data gets piped into GN proper

The QC step consists of

* Standard checks - some GN tools, such as outliers
* Run mapping

So, even though the data is in 'escrow' we should be able to use it as
something that is in the database. GN1 does some of that. This is
where Arun comes in - we need to have a common handler for data that
is in the database and data that is in escrow. My idea is that this
will all be text files (truth files). A simple first QC step is to
check that all fields in the table are numbers where should be. Not

Note we could run QC through the REST API too. That would allow it to
be run from R and Python and Jupyter notebooks. Make it part of GN3.

The tricky part is still how the data is handled in escrow.

## Tags

* assigned: fredm, jgart
* priority: high
* type: feature-request
* status: closed
* keywords: quality control