# QC: Fix Integration Tests

## Tags

* assigned: fredm
* priority: medium
* status: closed, completed
* keywords: quality control, qc, tests, gn-uploader
* type: bug

## Description

Tests that require that Redis be present in order to run, fail due to the statement
command = [shutil.which("redis-server"), "--port", str(port)]
=> https://gitlab.com/fredmanglis/gnqc_py/-/blob/6200a60eb6f04a5d50bfe0ad366674dc49a08119/tests/conftest.py#L32 in "tests/conftest.py".

This is because the `shutil.which("redis-server")` call returns `None` in the newer code, due to removal of redis (the server) from the list of dependencies.

To work around the issue, I suggest the use of an explicit, albeit temporary, redis database for testing, by modifying the `REDIS_URL` value in the tests sessions. The modification will simply change the URL to point to a new database for the test session, enabling the tests to run unhindered, but also without tainting the production redis databases.

### Update 2024-02-27

The system was updated to use prefixed keys, and the full tests now run correctly.

=> /issues/gn-uploader/rework-tests-remove-redis-as-test-dependency related issue