# Add HTML Page for ProbeSet Page ## Tags * assigned: bonfacem * priority: high * type: ui * keywords: virtuoso * status: closed ## Description Modelling ProbeSet/GeneList metadata has already been completed in: => https://issues.genenetwork.org/issues/handling-resource-links-in-probeset-page Handling Resource Links in ProbeSet Page => https://issues.genenetwork.org/search?query=tag%3Avirtuoso Add GeneList to Metadata Remaining work is to display this work in GN2. ## Resolution Some minor updates were done to fix how gene-symbols are transformed. See: 1ea6e2dd7655, 00d36a2c7571, 03df1227c419, 1082c5bfb802. Similarly, when constructing some resources, the relevant parameters were url-encoded to form valid urls. See: 4a62e1781692, 56d09222742c, and 03df1227c419 from: => https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-transform-databases/ gn-transform-databases Other Relevant PR's/Commits: => https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork3/pull/141 Probeset metadata rdf update #141 (GN3) => https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork3/pull/143 Refine Probeset RDF Query and Metadata Handling => https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/pull/825 Update ProbeSet Page with more metadata * closed