# MGAMMA Convert MGamma can convert between different formats. # Tags * assigned: pjotrp, artyom * type: feature * priority: high # Tasks * [ ] Store genotypes as floats instead of doubles in lmdb * [X] Required for the above: rework the type system in guile-gsl to allow float vectors/matrices * [ ] Add annotations to genotype lmdb format - probably as the first named columns * [ ] Provide a metadata header in JSON that tracks such info and a version ``` {type: "geno", version:0.01, float: true, anno:["name","chr","pos"]} ``` * [ ] Convert genotypes from strings using Rqtl2 CSV and metadata-JSON version of the control format, see => https://kbroman.org/qtl2/assets/vignettes/input_files.html * [ ] Write kinship lmdb as floats (half size) * [ ] Add individual names as first column in kinship rows * [ ] If symmetric only store half the data * [ ] Add JSON meta header to track that information ``` {type: "GRM", version:0.01, float: true, symmetric: true} ```