# GN Markdown Editor Integration

## Tags

* assigned: alexm
* status: in progress
* priority: high
* tags: markdown, integration, guile

## Notes

This is a to-do list to integrate the GN Markdown editor into GN2.
To see the implementation, see:

=> https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-guile/

## Tasks

* [x] Implement APIs to fetch files for editing
* [x] Add verification for the repository
* [x] Implement API to edit and commit changes
* [x] Replace JS with HTMX
* [x] Support external links and image rendering
* [x] Package dependencies
* [x] show diff for files
* [x] Handle errors
* [ ] Review by users
* [x] Integrate authentication into the system

## API Documentation

This APi endpoints are implemented in guile See repo:

=> https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-guile/

The main endpoints are: `/edit` and `/commit`

### Edit (GET)

This is a `GET` request to retrieve file content. Make sure you pass a valid `file_path` as `search_query` (the path should be relative to the repository).

**Edit Request Example:**


curl -G -d "file_path=test.md"  localhost:8091/edit

In case of a successful response, the expected result is:

"path": "<file_path>",
"content": "Test for new user\n test 2 for line\n test 3 for new line\n ## real markdown two test\n",
"hash": "<commit_sha>"

In case of an error, the expected response is:

"error": "<error_type>",
"msg": "<error_reason>"

### Commit (POST)




curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"content": "make test commit",
"filename": "test.md",
"email": "test@gmail.com",
"username": "test",
"commit_message": "init commit",
"prev_commit": "7cbfc40d98b49a64e98e7cd562f373053d0325bd"


It expects the following data in JSON format:

* `content` (the data you want to commit to the file, *valid markdown*)
* `prev_commit` (required for integrity)
* `filename` (file path to the file you are modifying)
* `username` (identifier for the user, in our case from auth)
* `email` (identifier email from the user, in our case from auth)
* `commit_message`

If the request succeeds, the response should be:

"status": "201",
"message": "Committed file successfully",
"content": "Test for new user\n test 2 for line\n test 3 for new line\n ## real markdown two test\n",
"commit_sha": "47df3b7f13a935d50cc8b40e98ca9e513cba104c",
"commit_message": "commit by genetics"

If there are no changes to the file:

"status": "200",
"message": "Nothing to commit, working tree clean",
"commit_sha": "ecd96f27c45301279150fbda411544687db1aa45"

If the request fails, the expected results are:

"error": "<error_type>",
"msg": "Commits do not match. Please pull in the latest changes for the current commit *ecd96f27c45301279150fbda411544687db1aa45* and previous commits."

## Related Issues

=> https://issues.genenetwork.org/issues/implement-gn-markdown-editor-in-guile
=> https://issues.genenetwork.org/issues/implement-gn-markdown-editor

## Notes on Gn-Editor UI

Here is the link to the PR for integrating the GN-Editor, including screenshots:

=> https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/pull/854

Genenetwork2 consumes the endpoint for the GN-Editor. Authentication is required to prevent access by malicious users and bots.

The main endpoint to fetch and edit a file is:

genenetwork.org/editor/edit?file-path=<relative file path>

This loads the editor with the content for editing.

### Modifying Editor Settings

You can modify editor settings, such as font size and keyboard bindings. To do this, navigate to:


Be sure to save your changes for them to take effect.

### Showing Diff for Editor

The editor also provides a diff functionality to show you the changes made to the file. Use the "Diff" button in the navigation to view these changes.

### Committing Changes

To commit your changes, use the "Commit" button. A commit message is required in the text area for the commit to be processed.