# Rating System: No Indication for Login Requirement

## Tags

* type: bug
* status: open
* priority: medium
* assigned: alex, shelby
* keywords: gnqna, user experience, UX

## Description

=> https://cd.genenetwork.org/gnqna The GNQNA system on CD
requires the user to be logged in for them to be able to rate the answers.

There is, however, no indication that that is expected; instead, the user receives an alert with the following cryptic error when they attempt to rate an answer when not logged in:

HTTP Error:HTTP Response Code: 500-reason-Generic Exception

This is not a friendly response to the user, since it does not tell the user what they did wrong.

I propose a message that lets the user know they need to be logged in to rate the answer, something like:

You attempted to rate your answer, but you are not logged in. We do not allow rating unless you are logged in.

This is in place to reduce the chances of spam ratings. Do, please, log in and attempt rating again.