# AI UI Enhancements

## Tags

* Assigned: alexm, shelbys
* Keywords: UI, GNQA
* Type: critical
* Status: In Progress

## Description

This issue addresses user feedback received during the testing phase of GNQA on CD. The following improvements are required

## Tasks

* [ ] Only show the link when a user is logged in - they can't use it otherwise anyhow - or require login when hitting the link immediately. I prefer the former.

* [ ] Replace the search history button - the current link is confusing. My suggestion is not to show a link/button at all until a first global search is done:

* [ ] When a global search is done, before the table show a line that people can use the text search:

------- [search]

GN searched for the term(s) "shh" in 754 datasets and 39,765,944 traits across 10 species
and found 1210 results that match your query.
You can filter these results by adding key words in the fields below
and you can also sort results on most columns.

You can also use free text search using our GPT [GNQA system] <- button

Showing 1 to 69 of 1,210 entries
	Index Record Species Group Tissue Dataset Symbol ...
  table entries...

So suggest it as an option when continueing global search.

Even better, after loading the table suggest a query that might work, e.g.

What do we know about the shh gene in the BXD mouse?

And that will take you to GNQA.

Even better, would be to load a first answer - maybe we'll cache those.