# rewrite  sampledata fetching with  genofiles using scheme

## Tags

* assigned: alexm,
* type: improvement
* priority: high
* status: in progress

## Notes

having identified ways to link genofiles to Dataset
and fetching sample data and case attributes using them
we need to integrate the components intoa fully working module
This is in turn be used to dump data to lmdb 
We chose scheme to accomplish the task
See code:

=> https://github.com/BonfaceKilz/gn-data-vault.git
=> https://github.com/Alexanderlacuna/data-vault-2


* [x] reading the genofile

* [x]  parsing the genofile to obtain the sample names,metadata

* [] adding unit tests for the module

* []  query statements fetch sampledata and caseattributes

* []  add tests

* [] lmdb dump