#+STARTUP: content
#+TITLE: Building Uploader Container (2024-03-21)
#+AUTHOR: Frederick Muriuki Muriithi
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}

* Log

Fix the [[https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-uploader/commit/?id=3958ce457f621f1b75fa8843ba859d8e6015a6c7][channel introduction documentation]] on =gn-uploader=

On =tux02= do:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
$ guix pull -p ~/opt/guix -C channels.scm
where =channels.scm= has the following content

#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
    (name 'guix-bioinformatics)
    (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/")
    (branch "master"))
    (name 'guix-forge)
    (url "https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/")
    (branch "main")
       "7F73 0343 F2F0 9F3C 77BF  79D3 2E25 EE8B 6180 2BB3"))))
    (name 'guix-past)
    (url "https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past")
       "3CE4 6455 8A84 FDC6 9DB4  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"))))
    (name 'gn-auth)
    (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-auth")
    (branch "main"))
    (name 'gn-uploader)
    (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-uploader")
    (branch "main")
       "F370 F409 854B 90E3 52F3  AB01 362B 0BB8 B81D 5A42")))))

Pull was successful!

After that, we get the following on =tux02=:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ ~/opt/guix/bin/guix describe --format=channels
  hint: Consider installing the `glibc-locales' package and defining
  `GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:
       guix install glibc-locales
       export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"
  See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.
  (list (channel
          (name 'gn-uploader)
          (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-uploader")
          (branch "main")
                "F370 F409 854B 90E3 52F3  AB01 362B 0BB8 B81D 5A42"))))
          (name 'gn-auth)
          (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/gn-auth")
          (branch "main")
          (name 'guix-forge)
          (url "https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/")
          (branch "main")
                "7F73 0343 F2F0 9F3C 77BF  79D3 2E25 EE8B 6180 2BB3"))))
          (name 'guix-bioinformatics)
          (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/")
          (branch "master")
          (name 'guix)
          (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
          (branch "master")
                "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA"))))
          (name 'guix-past)
          (url "https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past")
          (branch "master")
                "3CE4 6455 8A84 FDC6 9DB4  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5")))))

Now, build the container:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  env PATH="/home/fredm/opt/guix/bin:${PATH}" ./uploader-deploy.sh
  successfully built /gnu/store/0fwp30li4ngfmradkiyc81cdmapm04bf-gn-uploader-0.0.1-a4ed5d82.drv

Restart the container
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-uploader-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl start genenetwork-uploader-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl status genenetwork-uploader-container.service

Check logs in =/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log=

Still getting:
2024-03-21 02:18:29     from gn2.wqflask.oauth2.checks import user_logged_in
2024-03-21 02:18:29   File "/gnu/store/2qhgkf5j649kv57nw4lzsbwlnb1790vq-profile/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn2/wqflask/oauth2/checks.py", line 10, i
n <module>
2024-03-21 02:18:29     from .client import authserver_uri, oauth2_clientid, oauth2_clientsecret
2024-03-21 02:18:29 ImportError: cannot import name 'authserver_uri' from partially initialized module 'gn2.wqflask.oauth2.client' (most likely due to
 a circular import) (/gnu/store/2qhgkf5j649kv57nw4lzsbwlnb1790vq-profile/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn2/wqflask/oauth2/client.py)
2024-03-21 02:18:29 [2024-03-21 02:18:29 +0000] [9] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 9)

When we verify where this comes from:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ ls -l /gnu/store/2qhgkf5j649kv57nw4lzsbwlnb1790vq-profile/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ | grep gn2
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  104 Dec 31  1969 gn2 -> /gnu/store/vfa2zdla7ixbb2l5i7k6xnlh5d1rshz9-genenetwork2-3.11-4.1e81c74/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn2

We see that the code being run is from [[https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/commit/1e81c74ee8752ad2913b4e610ba7575638755385][GeneNetwork2: commit 1e81c74]] from
05^{th} March 2024. In [[https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/tree/gn/packages/genenetwork.scm?id=2fdbf2445e5293ba9a12b154c58774e73dfeabe5#n190][=guix-bioinformatics=, however]], we have specified a newer
[[https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/commit/b9e04ad79e0039edba25d58f8bc03e4d2a17583b][commit b9e04ad7]] from 07^{th} March 2024.

  Stop uploader service and delete logs:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-uploader-container.service
  $ sudo rm -fv /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-g*
  removed '/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log'
  removed '/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork3.log'
  removed '/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-gn-auth.log'
  removed '/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-gn-uploader.log'
  $ ls /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/
  debug            gunicorn-genenetwork2.log  mcron.log       messages       mysqld.log  nscd.log  secure.1.gz   wtmp
  guix-daemon.log  maillog                    mcron.log.1.gz  messages.1.gz  nginx       secure    virtuoso.log

The file =/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log= is still showing up.

Stop all containers for good measure:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-uploader-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-development-container.service
  $ sudo rm -fv /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-g*
  removed '/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log'
  $ ls /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/
  debug            gunicorn-genenetwork2.log  mcron.log       messages       mysqld.log  nscd.log  secure.1.gz   wtmp
  guix-daemon.log  maillog                    mcron.log.1.gz  messages.1.gz  nginx       secure    virtuoso.log

The file =/export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log= is still showing up.

Something else is running and recreating the file and I have no idea what it is.

Restart all containers:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  $ sudo systemctl start genenetwork-uploader-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl start genenetwork-container.service
  $ sudo systemctl start genenetwork-development-container.service

* Log 2024-03-21T14:57+03:00UTC

** Reset profile

List installed packages
#+begin_src shell
  /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix \
      package -p ~/opt/guix --list-installed

which gave:
guix-past           921f845 out /gnu/store/7sljixsgvsgdiafshqybdrl8m0f2j8v5-guix-past
guix                b0b988c out /gnu/store/dhisx07fngb69qkj4gnlzz5iyakw25zy-guix-b0b988c41
guix-bioinformatics 2fdbf24 out /gnu/store/4vgrwfaxbvixh1jpsq9wqnm5jc7rhd0r-guix-bioinformatics
guix-forge          6c622a6 out /gnu/store/5bc8079iyd8z3n4l3np09yqgqhdzailv-guix-forge
gn-auth             ade6c76 out /gnu/store/l52qdmn3c3liz0pywkndn9j49a9axh6i-gn-auth
gn-uploader         3958ce4 out /gnu/store/adqg6vxq9z2ds0y6a275yqaijv3vslpw-gn-uploader

remove all installed packages
#+begin_src shell
  /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix \
      package -p ~/opt/guix -r guix-past guix guix-bioinformatics guix-forge \
      gn-auth gn-uploader

Verify everything was uninstalled by listing packages again as done previously.

Now list generations:
#+begin_src shell
  /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix \
      package -p ~/opt/guix --list-generations

which gave (truncated for readability):
Generation 7 Nov 12 2023 20:45:25
  guix-past          1e25b23 out /gnu/store/91yjvk23arknxlavd1m7rbva3qnrx6fp-guix-past
  guix               330b94e out /gnu/store/rsb6nqychig8qdan23rj6w5m7q2kha22-guix-330b94e8b
 ,- guix              b0b988c out /gnu/store/8qrhzflvlp71ijsg6wv13fpcsxxq0n52-guix-b0b988c41

Generation 16 Mar 21 2024 07:04:36 (current)
 ,- gn-uploader       3958ce4 out /gnu/store/adqg6vxq9z2ds0y6a275yqaijv3vslpw-gn-uploader
 ,- gn-auth           ade6c76 out /gnu/store/l52qdmn3c3liz0pywkndn9j49a9axh6i-gn-auth
 ,- guix-forge        6c622a6 out /gnu/store/5bc8079iyd8z3n4l3np09yqgqhdzailv-guix-forge
 ,- guix-bioinformatics 2fdbf24 out /gnu/store/4vgrwfaxbvixh1jpsq9wqnm5jc7rhd0r-guix-bioinformatics
 ,- guix              b0b988c out /gnu/store/dhisx07fngb69qkj4gnlzz5iyakw25zy-guix-b0b988c41
 ,- guix-past         921f845 out /gnu/store/7sljixsgvsgdiafshqybdrl8m0f2j8v5-guix-past

Delete all generations except latest
#+begin_src shell
  /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix \
      package -p ~/opt/guix --delete-generations=7..16

guix package: warning: not removing generation 16, which is current
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-7-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-8-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-9-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-10-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-11-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-12-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-13-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-14-link
deleting /home/fredm/opt/guix-15-link

Now delete symlinks to ensure next ~guix gc~ cleans up correctly
#+begin_src shell
  rm -fv ~/opt/guix*

Now recreate a new profile with minimal channels:

#+begin_src shell
    /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix \
        pull -p ~/opt/guix -C minimal-channels.scm

Where =minimal-channels.scm= has the following content:

#+begin_src scheme
    (name 'guix-bioinformatics)
    (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/")
    (branch "master"))
    (name 'guix-past)
    (url "https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past")
       "3CE4 6455 8A84 FDC6 9DB4  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5")))))

Let's see what the new profile has:
#+begin_src shell
  ~/opt/guix/bin/guix describe

which gives:
Generation 1 Mar 21 2024 07:34:58 (current)
  guix-bioinformatics 2fdbf24
    repository URL: https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/
    branch: master
    commit: 2fdbf2445e5293ba9a12b154c58774e73dfeabe5
  guix-past 921f845
    repository URL: https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
    branch: master
    commit: 921f845dc0dec9f052dcda479a15e787f9fd5b0a
  guix b0b988c
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
    branch: master
    commit: b0b988c41c9e0e591274495a1b2d6f27fcdae15a

Awesome. Now, let's add the profile to the front of the path and build the container afresh:
#+begin_src shell
  $ cd /home/fredm/gn-machines
  $ export PATH="/home/fredm/opt/guix/bin:${PATH}"
  $ ./uploader-deploy.sh

I get:
guix system: error: failed to load 'uploader.scm':
ice-9/boot-9.scm:3330:6: In procedure resolve-interface:
no code for module (forge acme)

 I need the =guix-forge= channel too. Add it to the channels:

#+begin_src scheme
  ;; minimal-channels.scm
    (name 'guix-bioinformatics)
    (url "https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/")
    (branch "master"))
    (name 'guix-past)
    (url "https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past")
       "3CE4 6455 8A84 FDC6 9DB4  0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5"))))
    (name 'guix-forge)
    (url "https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/")
    (branch "main")
       "7F73 0343 F2F0 9F3C 77BF  79D3 2E25 EE8B 6180 2BB3")))))


Pull guix with new =minimal-channels.scm=, and check to see what the profile contains:
#+begin_src shell
  ~/opt/guix/bin/guix describe
Generation 2    Mar 21 2024 07:49:01    (current)
  guix-bioinformatics 2fdbf24
    repository URL: https://git.genenetwork.org/guix-bioinformatics/
    branch: master
    commit: 2fdbf2445e5293ba9a12b154c58774e73dfeabe5
  guix-past 921f845
    repository URL: https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
    branch: master
    commit: 921f845dc0dec9f052dcda479a15e787f9fd5b0a
  guix-forge 6c622a6
    repository URL: https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/
    branch: main
    commit: 6c622a67051c22eeefe37eedb17d427fbb70c99b
  guix b0b988c
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
    branch: master
    commit: b0b988c41c9e0e591274495a1b2d6f27fcdae15a

Attempt to rebuild the container:
#+begin_src shell


Stop the currently running container
#+begin_src shell
  sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-uploader-container.service

Delete logs and check they are gone:
#+begin_src shell
  $ sudo rm -fv /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-g*.log
  $ ls /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/

= /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log=
still rears its ugly head 😭.

Start the container for now:
#+begin_src shell
  sudo systemctl start genenetwork-uploader-container.service

* Log 2024-03-22T11:24+03:00UTC

Verify guix is clean:
#+begin_src shell
  /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix describe
Generation 4 Mar 21 2024 05:04:28 (current)
  guix 69951a6
    repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
    branch: master
    commit: 69951a61a1d8f1f2135ea2dc836738be282b97bc

Now clone/pull all relevant repositories
#+begin_src shell
  $ cd /home/fredm/gn-machines/ && git pull origin define-gn-uploader
  $ cd /home/fredm/guix-bioinformatics/ && git pull origin master
  $ cd /home/fredm/ && git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
 all those succeeded.

 Cloning =guix-forge= failed:
 #+begin_src shell
   $ cd /home/fredm/ && git clone https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/
   Cloning into 'guix-forge'...
   fatal: unable to access 'https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
looks like *tux02* does not trust the certificates from systemreboot.net

Clone =guix-forge= with no verification
 #+begin_src shell
   $ cd /home/fredm/ && env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 git clone https://git.systemreboot.net/guix-forge/


 Now stop uploader container:
 #+begin_src shell
   sudo systemctl stop genenetwork-uploader-container.service

Delete existing logs:
#+begin_src shell
  sudo rm -fv /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-g*.log

Find out the process related to the annoying log file:
#+begin_src shell
  sudo lsof /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log
and we get:
shepherd 94815 root   15w   REG  259,8  2322452 9830599 /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log

Get into the container and check the container name:
#+begin_src shell
  $ sudo /usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin/guix container exec 94815 /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login
  root@genenetwork /# hostname 

Aha! Looks like I might have run the build for the uploader container on *tux02*
before I had changed the hostnames and paths!

Check PID(s) of production container:
#+begin_src shell
  $ ps -u root -f --forest | grep -A4 '/usr/local/bin/genenetwork-container'
which gives:
root      61415      1  0 Mar20 ?        00:00:00 /gnu/store/1gd9nsy4cps8fnrd1avkc9l01l7ywiai-guile-3.0.9/bin/guile --no-auto-compile /usr/local/bin/genenetwork-container
root      61436  61415  0 Mar20 ?        00:15:27  \_ /gnu/store/bhynhk0c6ssq3fqqc59fvhxjzwywsjbb-guile-3.0.9/bin/guile --no-auto-compile /gnu/store/06mz0yjkghi7r6d7lmhvv7gryipljhdd-shepherd-0.10.3/bin/shepherd --config /gnu/store/gg29j35fvsx04xc41yb3zx7zgd09519a-shepherd.conf
root      61488  61436  0 Mar20 ?        00:00:00      \_ /gnu/store/gbz5y54xi3bxc843azjsssmv6n5p8kj3-eudev-3.2.11/sbin/udevd
root      61533  61436  0 Mar20 ?        00:00:00      \_ /gnu/store/lx54pvb5523v45i6c3axzcjlvl6z18wz-guix-1.4.0-16.aeb4943/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group guixbuild --max-silent-time 3600 --timeout 86400 --log-compression gzip --discover=no --substitute-urls https://ci.guix.gnu.org https://bordeaux.guix.gnu.org --disable-chroot
root      61567  61436  0 Mar20 ?        00:00:16      \_ /gnu/store/6i3bj0j8m97rmgdsg2vgrx38crpmnwan-inetutils-2.3/libexec/syslogd --rcfile=/etc/syslog.conf

So the container that is shouting into the log file is not the production container! Awesome! We can safely kill the process.

First off, let's try and figure out the parent PID for the process:
#+begin_src shell
  ps -f --forest -p 94815

which gives:
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root      94815      1 13 Mar12 pts/31   1-08:33:46 /gnu/store/bhynhk0c6ssq3fqqc59fvhxjzwywsjbb-guile-3.0.9/bin/guile --no-auto-compile /gnu/store/06m

There are no other related processes! Looks like an orphaned process from a possibly older container…

Kill it!
#+begin_src shell
  sudo kill -s SIGKILL 94815

Check whether production (test1.genenetwork.org) is still online
  systemctl status genenetwork-container.service

Yep! We are good!

Now delete the log file again and check that it is not recreated:
#+begin_src shell
  $ sudo rm -f /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-g*.log
  $ ls /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/
and we get
debug            maillog    mcron.log.1.gz  messages.1.gz  nginx     secure       virtuoso.log
guix-daemon.log  mcron.log  messages        mysqld.log     nscd.log  secure.1.gz  wtmp

Great success!!! 🎉🎉

Now, let us build the container with the pristine guix
#+begin_src shell
  $ echo $PATH
  $ export PATH="/usr/local/guix-profiles/guix-daemon/bin:${PATH}"
  $ echo $PATH
  $ cd /home/fredm/gn-machines/
  $ ./uploader-deploy.sh /home/fredm/guix-forge /home/fredm/guix-past /home/fredm/guix-bioinformatics

The upload step fails with
===== Auxilliary module load paths =====
-L /home/fredm/guix-forge/guix
-L /home/fredm/guix-past
-L /home/fredm/guix-bioinformatics
===== END: Auxilliary module load paths =====
hint: Consider installing the `glibc-locales' package and defining
`GUIX_LOCPATH', along these lines:

     guix install glibc-locales
     export GUIX_LOCPATH="$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale"

See the "Application Setup" section in the manual, for more info.

guix system: warning: Consider running 'guix pull' followed by
'guix system reconfigure' to get up-to-date packages and security updates.

In guix/store.scm:
  2065:12 19 (_ #<store-connection 256.100 7fae2bd9bd70>)
  1382:11 18 (map/accumulate-builds #<store-connection 256.100 7fae…> …)
   1300:8 17 (call-with-build-handler #<procedure 7fae2b7a4bd0 at g…> …)
  2180:25 16 (run-with-store #<store-connection 256.100 7fae2bd9bd70> …)
In guix/gexp.scm:
   914:13 15 (_ _)
In guix/store.scm:
   2008:8 14 (_ _)
In guix/gexp.scm:
   299:22 13 (_ _)
In guix/store.scm:
  2052:38 12 (_ #<store-connection 256.100 7fae2bd9bd70>)
In gnu/system.scm:
   1632:9 11 (_ _)
In guix/store.scm:
  2180:25 10 (run-with-store #<store-connection 256.100 7fae2bd9bd70> …)
In gnu/system.scm:
  1299:19  9 (_ _)
   836:11  8 (operating-system-services #<<operating-system> kernel:…>)
In gnu/system/linux-container.scm:
   174:27  7 (services _)
In ice-9/eval.scm:
   191:35  6 (_ #(#(#<module (#{ g709}#) 7fae2f601640>) #<<operati…>))
   173:55  5 (_ #(#(#<module (#{ g709}#) 7fae2f601640>) #<<operati…>))
   196:35  4 (_ #(#(#<module (#{ g709}#) 7fae2f601640>) #<<operati…>))
   223:20  3 (proc #(#(#<module (#{ g709}#) 7fae2f601640>) #<<oper…>))
In unknown file:
           2 (%resolve-variable (7 . genenetwork-service-type) #<mod…>)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
  1685:16  1 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
  1685:16  0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)

ice-9/boot-9.scm:1685:16: In procedure raise-exception:
error: genenetwork-service-type: unbound variable


Reset path, and first build with non-pristine guix:
#+begin_src shell
  $ export PATH=""
  $ env PATH="/home/fredm/opt/guix/bin:${PATH}" ./uploader-deploy.sh

Start the container
#+begin_src shell
  sudo systemctl start genenetwork-uploader-container.service

Check GN2 log for former weirdness
#+begin_src shell
  sudo cat /export2/guix-containers/genenetwork/uploader/var/log/gunicorn-genenetwork2.log

No more of the errors from the wrong profile!