# test1-auth.genenetwork.org Can't Find Templates

## Tags

* assigned: fredm, aruni
* priority: critical
* status: closed, completed, fixed
* type: bug
* keywords: gn-auth, deployment, test1

## Description

The new (as of 2024-02-03T14:20+03:00UTC) deployment of gn-auth cannot find the Jinja2 templates it used to render its UI, leading to HTTP/500 errors.

From the logs:

2024-03-02 01:39:53     raise TemplateNotFound(template)
2024-03-02 01:39:53 jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: admin/login.html
2024-03-02 01:39:53 Exception on /auth/admin/login [GET]

Checking the install:

$ fredm@tux02:~$ guix gc -R /usr/local/bin/genenetwork-container | grep gn-auth
$  ls /gnu/store/58inxkgpb4b3qm1ms49a72valyqwlcwx-gn-auth-1.0.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn_auth/
__init__.py  __pycache__  auth  commands.py  errors.py  jobs.py  json_encoders_decoders.py  migrations.py  misc_views.py  session.py  settings.py

We were missing:

* /gn_auth/templates directory
* /gn_auth/static directory

Fixed by using MANIFEST.in to force inclusion of files
=> https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/miscellaneous.html MANIFEST.in docs

We then had to update the commit of gn-auth in guix-bioinformatics, pull and rebuild the container.

Now gn-auth runs, but we are getting new errors when we try to sign-in from GN2:

2024-03-02 13:59:04     return self._query_client(client_id)
2024-03-02 13:59:04   File "/gnu/store/aiqdb6hky6gvfjld9iymi6cgn6cvmhdl-profile/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn_auth/auth/authentication/oauth2/server.py", line 28, in __query_client__
2024-03-02 13:59:04     the_client = client(conn, client_id).maybe(
2024-03-02 13:59:04   File "/gnu/store/aiqdb6hky6gvfjld9iymi6cgn6cvmhdl-profile/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gn_auth/auth/authentication/oauth2/models/oauth2client.py", line 136, in client
2024-03-02 13:59:04     cursor.execute(
2024-03-02 13:59:04 sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: oauth2_clients

while clearly, the table "oauth2_clients" exists.