# Feature Request: Create Test Accounts

## Tags

* assigned: fredm, alex
* status: open
* type: feature request, feature-request
* priority: medium
* keywords: gn-auth, auth, test accounts

## Description

From the requests on Matrix:

: Can we create a generic, verified email for CD to make it easier for people to test our services that requires login?

and from @pjotrp

yes, please. Let it expire after a few weeks, or something, if possible. So we can hand out test accounts.

We, thus, want to have a feature that allows the system administrator, or some other user with the appropriate privileges, to create a bunch of test accounts that have the following properties:

* The accounts are pre-verified
* The accounts are temporary and are deleted after a set amount of time

This feature will need a corresponding UI, say on GN2 to enable the users with the appropriate privileges create the accounts easily.