# Global search does not return results ## Tags * priority: critical * type: bug * assigned: zsloan, pjotrp * status: unclear * keywords: global search, from github ## Description => https://github.com/genenetwork/genenetwork2/issues/629 From GitHub > Try a search for Brca2 > > I am trying to add an example to this storyboard: > > => https://github.com/genenetwork/gn-docs/blob/master/story-boards/starting-from-known-gene/starting-from-known-gene.md#use-the-search-page > > > Interestingly luna does no better: > > => http://luna.genenetwork.org/gsearch?type=gene&terms=brca2 @pjotr @zsloan, it seems to me this might be fixed, but please have a look and fix it in case it is not ## Resolution With the new xapian search, this issue is no more. * closed