# Containerising Production: Issues

## Tags

* type: bug
* assigned: fredm
* priority: critical
* status: closed, completed
* keywords: production, container, tux04
* interested: alexk, aruni, bonfacem, fredm, pjotrp, soloshelby, zsloan, jnduli

## Description

We have recently got production into a container and deployed it: It has come up, however, that there are services that are useful to get a full-featured GeneNetwork system running that are not part of the container.

This is, therefore, a meta-issue, tracking all issues that relate to the deployment of the disparate services that make up GeneNetwork.

## Documentation

=> https://issues.genenetwork.org/topics/genenetwork/genenetwork-services

The link above documents the various services that make up the GeneNetwork service.

## Issues

* [x] Move user directories to a large partition
=> ./handle-tmp-dirs-in-container [x] Link TMPDIR in container to a directory on a large partition
=> ./markdown-editing-service-not-deployed [ ] Define and deploy Markdown Editing service
=> ./umhet3-samples-timing-slow [ ] Figure out and fix UM-HET3 Samples mappings on Tux04
=> ./setup-mailing-on-tux04 [x] Setting up email service on Tux04
=> ./virtuoso-shutdown-clears-data [x] Virtuoso seems to lose data on restart
=> ./python-requests-error-in-container [x] Fix python's requests library certificates error
=> ./cannot-connect-to-mariadb [ ] GN3 cannot connect to mariadb server