# GEMMA output differs from R/qtl2

# Tags

* assigned: pjotrp, davea
* priority: high
* type: bug, enhancement
* status: closed
* keywords: database, gemma, reaper, rqtl2

# Description

When running trait BXD_21526 results differ significantly.

=> https://genenetwork.org/show_trait?trait_id=21526&dataset=BXDPublish
=> https://genenetwork.org/show_trait?trait_id=21529&dataset=BXDPublish

So I confirm I am getting the same results as Dave in GN for GEMMA (see Conclusion below).

# Tasks

## GeneNetwork

I run GEMMA for precompute on the command line and that I confirmed to
be the same as what we see in the browser. This suggests either data
or method is different with Dave's approach.

I confirmed that gemma in GN matches Dave's results. It is interesting
to see that running without LOCO has some impact, but not as bad as
the R/qtl2 difference. First we should check the genotype files to see
if they match. I checked that the phenotypes match.

Our inputs are different if I count genotypes (first yours, the other
on production):

     1  2184941 B
     2  2132744 D
     3   628980 H
     1  2195662 B
     2  2142959 D
     3   650168 H

The number of rows/markers is the same. So we probably added some
genometypes, but if we miss one that would matter. Dave you can find
the file in /home/wrk/BXD.geno on tux02 if you want to look.

I notice that we don't use H in the R/qtl2 control file. That
might make a difference though it probably won't explain what we see
now. BTW I also correlated the LOD scores from GEMMA and R/qtl2 in
the spreadsheet and at 0.7 that is too low.  So it is probably not
just a magnitude problem. The results differ a lot in your

Next step is that I need to run R/qtl2 using the script in your
dropbox and see what Karl's code does. The exercise does not hurt
because it will help us bring R/qtl2 to GN.

## R/qtl2

R/qtl2 is packaged in guix and can be run in a shell with

guix shell -C r r-qtl2
> library(qtl2)
> bxd <- read_cross2(file = "bxd_cancer_new_GN_July_2024.json")
Warning messages:
1: In recode_geno(sheet, genotypes) :
  630519 genotypes treated as missing: "H", "U"
2: In matrix(as.numeric(unlist(pheno)), ncol = nc) :
  NAs introduced by coercion
3: In check_cross2(output) : Physical map out of order on chr 1, 2, 11, 19

The first warning matches above. If data is missing it may be filtered out. We'll have to check for that. The third warning I am not sure about. Probably a ranking of markers.

# Conclusion

It turned out that R/qtl was running HK - so it was a QTL mapping rather than an LMM.