#! /usr/bin/env guile !# (import (rnrs hashtables) (rnrs io ports) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-9) (srfi srfi-26) (srfi srfi-37) (srfi srfi-171) (srfi srfi-171 gnu) (ice-9 ftw) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 regex)) (define (invoke program . args) (unless (zero? (apply system* program args)) (error "Invocation of program failed" (cons program args)))) (define (call-with-input-pipe proc program . args) "Execute PROGRAM ARGS ... in a subprocess with a pipe to it. Call PROC with an input port to that pipe. Close the pipe once PROC exits, even if it exits non-locally. Return the value returned by PROC." (let ((port #f)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set! port (apply open-pipe* OPEN_READ program args))) (cut proc port) (lambda () (let ((return-value (status:exit-val (close-pipe port)))) (unless (and return-value (zero? return-value)) (error "Invocation of program failed" (cons program args)))))))) (define-record-type (issue file title creator created-date created-relative-date last-updater last-updated-date last-updated-relative-date assigned keywords open tasks completed-tasks posts) issue? (file issue-file) (title issue-title) (creator issue-creator) (created-date issue-created-date) (created-relative-date issue-created-relative-date) (last-updater issue-last-updater) (last-updated-date issue-last-updated-date) (last-updated-relative-date issue-last-updated-relative-date) (assigned issue-assigned) (keywords issue-keywords) (open issue-open) (tasks issue-tasks) (completed-tasks issue-completed-tasks) (posts issue-posts)) (define (issues) "Return a list of all issues, sorted oldest first." ;; Get all gemini files except README.gmi and hidden files. Text ;; editors tend to create hidden files while editing, and we want to ;; avoid them. (sort (call-with-input-pipe (lambda (port) (port-transduce (tfilter-map (lambda (file) (and (string-suffix? ".gmi" file) (not (string=? (basename file) "README.gmi")) (not (string-prefix? "." (basename file))) (let* ((file-details (file-details file)) (all-keywords (hashtable-ref file-details 'keywords '()))) (issue file ;; Fallback to filename if title has no alphabetic ;; characters. (let ((title (hashtable-ref file-details 'title ""))) (if (string-any char-set:letter title) title file)) (hashtable-ref file-details 'creator #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'created-date #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'created-relative-date #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'last-updater #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'last-updated-date #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'last-updated-relative-date #f) (hashtable-ref file-details 'assigned '()) ;; "closed" is a special keyword to indicate ;; the open/closed status of an issue. (delete "closed" all-keywords) (not (member "closed" all-keywords)) (hashtable-ref file-details 'tasks 0) (hashtable-ref file-details 'completed-tasks 0) (hashtable-ref file-details 'posts #f)))))) rcons get-line port)) "git" "ls-files") (lambda (issue1 issue2) (< (issue-created-date issue1) (issue-created-date issue2))))) (define (hashtable-append! hashtable key new-values) "Append NEW-VALUES to the list of values KEY is associated to in HASHTABLE. If KEY is not associated to any value in HASHTABLE, assume it is associated to the empty list." (hashtable-update! hashtable key (cut append <> new-values) '())) (define (comma-split str) "Split string at commas, trim whitespace from both ends of the split strings, and return them as a list." (map (cut string-trim-both <>) (string-split str #\,))) (define (remove-prefix prefix str) "Remove PREFIX from STR." (substring str (string-length prefix))) (define (get-line-dos-or-unix port) "Read line from PORT. This differs from `get-line' in (rnrs io ports) in that it also supports DOS line endings." (let ((line (get-line port))) (if (eof-object? line) line (string-trim-right line #\return)))) (define (file-details file) "Return a hashtable of details extracted from gemini FILE." (let ((result (make-eq-hashtable))) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (port) (port-transduce (tmap (lambda (line) (cond ;; Lists with the assigned: prefix ;; specify assignees. ((string-prefix? "* assigned:" line) (hashtable-append! result 'assigned (comma-split (remove-prefix "* assigned:" line)))) ;; Lists with the keywords: prefix ;; specify keywords. ((string-prefix? "* keywords:" line) (hashtable-append! result 'keywords (comma-split (remove-prefix "* keywords:" line)))) ;; A more fuzzy heuristic to find keywords ((and (string-prefix? "* " line) ;; Is every comma-separated ;; element two words utmost? (every (lambda (element) (<= (length (string-split element #\space)) 2)) (comma-split (remove-prefix "* " line))) ;; Does any comma-separated ;; element contain a potential ;; keyword? (any (lambda (element) (any (lambda (keyword) (string-contains element keyword)) (list "request" "bug" "critical" "enhancement" "progress" "testing" "later" "documentation" "help" "closed"))) (comma-split (remove-prefix "* " line)))) (hashtable-append! result 'keywords (comma-split (remove-prefix "* " line)))) ;; Checkbox lists are tasks. If the ;; checkbox has any character other ;; than space in it, the task is ;; completed. ((string-match "\\* \\[(.)\\]" line) => (lambda (m) (hashtable-update! result 'tasks 1+ 0) (unless (string=? (match:substring m 1) " ") (hashtable-update! result 'completed-tasks 1+ 0)))) ;; The first level one heading is the ;; title. ((string-prefix? "# " line) (unless (hashtable-contains? result 'title) (hashtable-set! result 'title (remove-prefix "# " line))))))) (const #t) get-line-dos-or-unix port))) (call-with-input-pipe (lambda (port) (hashtable-set! result 'posts (port-transduce (compose (tenumerate) (tmap (match-lambda ((index . line) (let ((alist (call-with-input-string line read))) (when (zero? index) (hashtable-set! result 'last-updater (assq-ref alist 'author)) (hashtable-set! result 'last-updated-date (assq-ref alist 'author-date)) (hashtable-set! result 'last-updated-relative-date (assq-ref alist 'author-relative-date))) (hashtable-set! result 'creator (assq-ref alist 'author)) (hashtable-set! result 'created-date (assq-ref alist 'author-date)) (hashtable-set! result 'created-relative-date (assq-ref alist 'author-relative-date))))))) rcount get-line port))) "git" "log" (string-append "--format=format:(" "(author . \"%an\")" "(author-date . %at)" "(author-relative-date . \"%ar\")" ")") "--" file) result)) (define (git-updated-files transducer start-commit end-commit) "Use TRANSDUCER to transduce over the list of files updated between START-COMMIT and END-COMMIT." (call-with-input-pipe (lambda (port) (port-transduce (compose (tmap (lambda (line) (match (string-split line #\tab) ((status file) (list (match status ("A" 'added) ("D" 'deleted) ("M" 'modified)) file))))) transducer) (const #t) get-line port)) "git" "diff" "--stat" "--name-status" (string-append start-commit ".." end-commit))) (define rlast (case-lambda (() #f) ((result) result) ((result input) input))) (define (git-first-commit-since since) "Return the hash of the first git commit since SINCE, where SINCE is passed verbatim to the --since argument of `git log'. Return #f if there is no such commit." (call-with-input-pipe (lambda (port) (port-transduce (tmap identity) rlast get-line port)) "git" "log" "--format=format:%H" "--since" since)) ;;; ;;; 3 bit colors using ANSI escape codes ;;; (define (color code str) "Return STR within ANSI escape CODE, thus rendering it in color in a terminal." (format #f "~a[~am~a~a[0m" #\esc code str #\esc)) (define bold (cut color 1 <>)) (define red (cut color 31 <>)) (define green (cut color 32 <>)) (define yellow (cut color 33 <>)) (define blue (cut color 34 <>)) (define magenta (cut color 35 <>)) (define cyan (cut color 36 <>)) (define red-background (cut color 41 <>)) (define green-background (cut color 42 <>)) (define yellow-background (cut color 43 <>)) (define blue-background (cut color 44 <>)) (define magenta-background (cut color 45 <>)) (define cyan-background (cut color 46 <>)) (define (invalid-option opt name arg loads) (error "Invalid option" name)) (define (invalid-operand arg loads) (error "Invalid argument" arg)) (define (command-line-program) "Return the name, that is arg0, of the command-line program invoked to run gnbug." (match (command-line) ((program _ ...) program))) (define gnbug-news (match-lambda* (("--help") (format #t "Usage: ~a news List recent updates. --since=DATE show updates more recent than DATE " (command-line-program))) (args (let ((args (args-fold args (list (option (list "since") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg loads) (acons 'since arg loads)))) invalid-option invalid-operand '()))) (unless (assq 'since args) (error "--since argument required")) (git-updated-files (tlog (match-lambda* ((_ (status file)) (format #t ((case status ((added) green) ((deleted) red) ((modified) magenta)) "~a (~a)~%") file (case status ((added) "new") ((deleted) "deleted") ((modified) "updated")))))) (or (git-first-commit-since (assq-ref args 'since)) "HEAD") "HEAD"))))) (define (print-issue issue-number issue) "Print ISSUE with number ISSUE-NUMBER." (display (magenta (issue-title issue))) ;; Highlight keywords containing "bug" or "critical" as whole words ;; in red. Else, highlight in blue. (unless (null? (issue-keywords issue)) (display " ") (display (string-join (map (lambda (keyword) ((cond ((not (null? (lset-intersection string=? (string-split keyword #\space) (list "bug" "critical")))) red-background) (else blue-background)) (string-append " " keyword " "))) (issue-keywords issue)) " "))) (unless (null? (issue-assigned issue)) (display (green (string-append " (assigned: " (string-join (issue-assigned issue) ", ") ")")))) (when (> (issue-posts issue) 1) (display (string-append " [" (number->string (issue-posts issue)) " posts]"))) (newline) (display (string-append (cyan (string-append "#" (number->string issue-number))) " opened " (cyan (issue-created-relative-date issue)) " by " (cyan (issue-creator issue)))) (when (> (issue-posts issue) 1) (display (string-append (cyan ",") " last updated " (cyan (issue-last-updated-relative-date issue)) " by " (cyan (issue-last-updater issue))))) (unless (zero? (issue-tasks issue)) (display (string-append (cyan "; ") (number->string (issue-completed-tasks issue)) "/" (number->string (issue-tasks issue)) " tasks done"))) (newline)) (define (print-issue-to-gemtext issue-number issue) "Print ISSUE with number ISSUE-NUMBER to gemtext." (format #t "=> ~a ~a" (issue-file issue) (issue-title issue)) (unless (null? (issue-keywords issue)) (format #t " [~a]" (string-join (issue-keywords issue) ", "))) (unless (null? (issue-assigned issue)) (format #t " (assigned: ~a)" (string-join (issue-assigned issue) ", "))) (when (> (issue-posts issue) 1) (format #t " [~a posts]" (issue-posts issue))) (newline) (format #t "~a opened ~a by ~a" issue-number (issue-created-relative-date issue) (issue-creator issue)) (when (> (issue-posts issue) 1) (format #t ", last updated ~a by ~a" (issue-last-updated-relative-date issue) (issue-last-updater issue))) (unless (zero? (issue-tasks issue)) (format #t "; ~a/~a tasks done" (issue-completed-tasks issue) (issue-tasks issue))) (newline) (newline)) (define gnbug-list (match-lambda* (("--help") (format #t "Usage: ~a list [OPTIONS] List issues. --assigned=ASSIGNED only list issues assigned to ASSIGNED --format=FORMAT output in FORMAT (either text or gemtext, and text by default) " (command-line-program))) (args (let ((args (args-fold args (list (option (list "assigned") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg loads) (acons 'assigned arg loads))) (option (list "format") #t #f (lambda (opt name arg loads) (acons 'format (cond ((string=? arg "text") 'text) ((string=? arg "gemtext") 'gemtext) (else (error "Unknown format" arg))) loads)))) invalid-option invalid-operand '((format . text))))) (format #t "~%total ~a~%" (list-transduce (compose (tenumerate 1) (tfilter (match-lambda ((_ . issue) (and (issue-open issue) (or (not (assq 'assigned args)) (member (assq-ref args 'assigned) (issue-assigned issue))))))) (tlog (match-lambda* ((_ (index . issue)) ((case (assq-ref args 'format) ((text) print-issue) ((gemtext) print-issue-to-gemtext)) index issue))))) rcount (issues))))))) (define gnbug-edit (match-lambda* (("--help") (format #t "Usage: ~a edit ISSUE-NUMBER Start $EDITOR to edit issue #ISSUE-NUMBER. " (command-line-program))) ((issue-number) (unless (getenv "EDITOR") (error "Please set the EDITOR environment variable to your favorite editor. For example, export EDITOR=emacsclient")) (invoke (getenv "EDITOR") (issue-file (list-ref (issues) (1- (string->number issue-number)))))))) (define gnbug-show (match-lambda* (("--help") (format #t "Usage: ~a show ISSUE-NUMBER Show the text of issue #ISSUE-NUMBER. " (command-line-program))) ((issue-number) (call-with-input-file (issue-file (list-ref (issues) (1- (string->number issue-number)))) (lambda (port) (port-transduce (compose ;; Detect preformatted text blocks. (tfold (match-lambda* (((pre? . _) line) (cons (if (string-prefix? "```" line) (not pre?) pre?) line))) (cons #f #f)) (tmap (lambda (pre?+line) (match pre?+line ((pre? . line) (cond ;; Print headlines in bold. ((string-prefix? "#" line) (display (bold line))) ;; Print lists in cyan. ((string-prefix? "*" line) (display (cyan line))) ;; Print links in cyan, but only the actual ;; link, and not the => prefix or the label. ((string-match "^(=>[ \t]*)([^ ]*)([^\n]*)" line) => (lambda (m) (display (match:substring m 1)) (display (cyan (match:substring m 2))) (display (match:substring m 3)))) ;; Print preformatted text backticks in ;; magenta. ((string-prefix? "```" line) (display (magenta line))) (else ;; If part of preformatted block, print in ;; magenta. Else, print in default color. (display (if pre? (magenta line) line)))))) (newline)))) (const #t) get-line-dos-or-unix port)))))) (define (print-usage) (format #t "Usage: ~a COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGS] COMMAND must be one of the sub-commands listed below: list list issues edit edit an issue show show the text of an issue news list recent updates To get usage information for one of these sub-commands, run ~a COMMAND --help " (command-line-program) (command-line-program))) (define main (match-lambda* ((_ (or "-h" "--help")) (print-usage)) ((_ command args ...) (apply (match command ("news" gnbug-news) ("list" gnbug-list) ("edit" gnbug-edit) ("show" gnbug-show) (invalid-command (format (current-error-port) "Invalid command `~a'~%~%" invalid-command) (print-usage) (exit #f))) args)) ;; gnbug is an alias for `gnbug list' ((_) (gnbug-list)))) (apply main (command-line))