# GeneNetwork Gemini Issue Tracker => ./static/git-icon.png We all rely on git We have decided to move our existing issue trackers and kanban board to one gemini powered repository! Reasons are: * Decentralised management * No dependency on github and others * Easy editing in emacs/vim etc. * git version control * Ownership and the capability for removing text => https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/gemtext.gmi GemText markdown/markup => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini_(protocol) Gemini protocol Issues are simple gemini documents that grow downwards - dating of additions is managed through git. We'll add a proxy to display these documents. The kanban is managed through a directory and symbolic links. A quick index file can be found here: => index.gmi generated index The tracker => tracker.gmi generated tracker => https://github.com/genenetwork/gn-gemtext-threads/blob/main/issues/database-not-responding.gmi Example issue tracker We have a web readable version at => https://issues.genenetwork.org Issue tracker => https://issues.genenetwork.org/team.html Kanban board Other discussions on leaving github => issues/README.gmi => https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/GitHub-alternatives-for-Bitcoin-Core ## tissue You may peruse the issues in this repository using the tissue command-line interface. You can drop into a shell with tissue using ``` guix shell tissue ``` List all open issues. ``` tissue search ``` Search for open issues matching "genotype database". ``` tissue search genotype database ``` Search for closed issues matching "genotype database". ``` tissue search '(genotype database) AND is:closed' ``` Search for open issues assigned to pjotrp. ``` tissue search assigned:pjotrp ``` Search for open issues tagged gemma. ``` tissue search tag:gemma tissue search keyword:gemma ``` Search for closed issues tagged low. ``` tissue search tag:low AND is:closed ```