# Species Metadata ## 'strain' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT Strain.Name, Species.Fullname, Strain.Name, IF ((Strain.Name2 != Strain.Name), Strain.Name2, '') AS Name2, IF ((Strain.Alias != Strain.Name), Strain.Alias, '') AS Alias, Strain.Symbol FROM Strain LEFT JOIN Species ON Strain.SpeciesId = Species.SpeciesId ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn:Strain_name_ -> rdf:type -> gnc:strain gn:Strain_name_ -> gnt:belongsToSpecies -> gn:Species_fullname gn:Strain_name_ -> rdfs:label -> StrainName gn:Strain_name_ -> skos:altLabel -> Name2 gn:Strain_name_ -> gnt:alias -> Alias gn:Strain_name_ -> gnt:geneSymbol -> Strain(Symbol) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type gnc:strain . ?s gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus . ?s rdfs:label "B6D2F1" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn:B6d2f1 rdf:type gnc:strain . gn:B6d2f1 gnt:belongsToSpecies gn:Mus_musculus . gn:B6d2f1 rdfs:label "B6D2F1" . ``` ## 'mapping-method' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT MappingMethod.Name, MappingMethod.Name FROM MappingMethod ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn:mappingMethodMappingmethod_name -> rdf:type -> gnc:mappingMethod gn:mappingMethodMappingmethod_name -> rdfs:label -> MappingMethod(Name) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type gnc:mappingMethod . ?s rdfs:label "qtlreaper" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn:mappingMethodQtlreaper rdf:type gnc:mappingMethod . gn:mappingMethodQtlreaper rdfs:label "qtlreaper" . ``` ## 'avg-method' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT AvgMethod.Name AS AvgMethodName, AvgMethod.Normalization FROM AvgMethod ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn:avgMethodAvgmethod_avgmethodname -> rdf:type -> gnc:avgMethod gn:avgMethodAvgmethod_avgmethodname -> rdfs:label -> AvgMethod(Normalization) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type gnc:avgMethod . ?s rdfs:label "MAS5" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn:avgMethodMas5 rdf:type gnc:avgMethod . gn:avgMethodMas5 rdfs:label "MAS5" . ```