# Species Metadata ## 'dump-species' ## Schema Triples: ```text gn-term:name -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal gn-term:displayName -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal gn-term:binomialName -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal gn-term:family -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal ``` ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT Species.FullName, Species.SpeciesName, Species.MenuName, Species.FullName, Species.Family, Species.TaxonomyId FROM Species ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn-id:Species_fullname -> rdf:type -> gn-id:species gn-id:Species_fullname -> gn-term:name -> Species(SpeciesName) gn-id:Species_fullname -> gn-term:displayName -> Species(MenuName) gn-id:Species_fullname -> gn-term:binomialName -> Species(FullName) gn-id:Species_fullname -> gn-term:family -> Species(Family) gn-id:Species_fullname -> gn-term:organism -> taxon:Species(TaxonomyId) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql @prefix gn-id: . @prefix gn-term: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix taxon: . SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s rdf:type gn-id:species . ?s gn-term:name "Mouse" . ?s gn-term:displayName "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn-id:Mus_musculus rdf:type gn-id:species . gn-id:Mus_musculus gn-term:name "Mouse" . gn-id:Mus_musculus gn-term:displayName "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)" . gn-id:Mus_musculus gn-term:binomialName "Mus musculus" . gn-id:Mus_musculus gn-term:family "Vertebrates" . gn-id:Mus_musculus gn-term:organism taxon:10090 . ``` ## 'dump-strain' ## Schema Triples: ```text gn-term:strainOfSpecies -> rdfs:domain -> gn-term:strain gn-term:strainOfSpecies -> rdfs:range -> gn-term:species gn-term:name -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal gn-term:alias -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal gn-term:symbol -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal ``` ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT CAST(CONVERT(BINARY CONVERT(Strain.Name USING latin1) USING utf8) AS VARCHAR(15000)) AS StrainName, Species.FullName, Strain.Name, Strain.Name2, Strain.Alias, Strain.Symbol FROM Strain LEFT JOIN Species ON Strain.SpeciesId = Species.SpeciesId ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn-id:Strainname -> rdf:type -> gn-id:strain gn-id:Strainname -> gn-term:strainOfSpecies -> gn-id:Species_fullname gn-id:Strainname -> gn-term:name -> StrainName gn-id:Strainname -> gn-term:name2 -> StrainName2 gn-id:Strainname -> gn-term:alias -> StrainAlias gn-id:Strainname -> gn-term:symbol -> Strain(Symbol) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql @prefix gn-id: . @prefix gn-term: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix taxon: . SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s rdf:type gn-id:strain . ?s gn-term:strainOfSpecies gn-id:Mus_musculus . ?s gn-term:name "B6D2F1" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn-id:B6d2f1 rdf:type gn-id:strain . gn-id:B6d2f1 gn-term:strainOfSpecies gn-id:Mus_musculus . gn-id:B6d2f1 gn-term:name "B6D2F1" . gn-id:B6d2f1 gn-term:name2 "B6D2F1" . ``` ## 'dump-mapping-method' ## Schema Triples: ```text ``` ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT MappingMethod.Name FROM MappingMethod ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn-id:mappingMethod_mappingmethod_name -> rdf:type -> gn-id:mappingMethod ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql @prefix gn-id: . @prefix gn-term: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix taxon: . SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s rdf:type gn-id:mappingMethod . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn-id:mappingMethod_qtlreaper rdf:type gn-id:mappingMethod . ``` ## 'dump-avg-method' ## Schema Triples: ```text gn-term:normalization -> rdfs:range -> rdfs:Literal ``` ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT AvgMethod.Name, AvgMethod.Normalization FROM AvgMethod ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn-id:avgmethod_avgmethod_name -> rdf:type -> gn-id:avgMethod gn-id:avgmethod_avgmethod_name -> gn-term:normalization -> AvgMethod(Normalization) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql @prefix gn-id: . @prefix gn-term: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix taxon: . SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s rdf:type gn-id:avgMethod . ?s gn-term:normalization "MAS5" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn-id:avgmethod_mas5 rdf:type gn-id:avgMethod . gn-id:avgmethod_mas5 gn-term:normalization "MAS5" . ```