# Species Metadata ## 'classification-scheme-species' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT Species.Fullname FROM Species ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gnc:Species -> skos:member -> gn:Species_fullname ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s skos:member gn:Mus_musculus . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gnc:Species skos:member gn:Mus_musculus . ``` ## 'classification-scheme-set' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT InbredSet.Name AS InbredSetName FROM InbredSet ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gnc:Set -> skos:member -> gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s skos:member gn:setBxd . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gnc:Set skos:member gn:setBxd . ``` ## 'species' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT Species.Fullname, Species.Fullname, Species.MenuName, Species.SpeciesName, Species.Name, Species.Family, Species.TaxonomyId FROM Species ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn:Species_fullname -> skos:inScheme -> gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme gn:Species_fullname -> rdfs:label -> Species(Fullname) gn:Species_fullname -> skos:prefLabel -> Species(MenuName) gn:Species_fullname -> skos:altLabel -> Species(SpeciesName) gn:Species_fullname -> gnt:shortName -> Species(Name) gn:Species_fullname -> gnt:family -> Species(Family) gn:Species_fullname -> skos:notation -> taxon:Species(TaxonomyId) ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme . ?s rdfs:label "Mus musculus" . ?s skos:prefLabel "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn:Mus_musculus skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme . gn:Mus_musculus rdfs:label "Mus musculus" . gn:Mus_musculus skos:prefLabel "Mouse (Mus musculus, mm10)" . gn:Mus_musculus skos:altLabel "Mouse" . gn:Mus_musculus gnt:shortName "mouse" . gn:Mus_musculus gnt:family "Vertebrates" . gn:Mus_musculus skos:notation taxon:10090 . ``` ## 'inbred-set' ## Generated Triples: The following SQL query was executed: ```sql SELECT InbredSet.Name AS InbredSetName, InbredSet.FullName, InbredSet.Name AS InbredSetName, InbredSet.GeneticType, InbredSet.Family, MappingMethod.Name, InbredSet.InbredSetCode, Species.Fullname FROM InbredSet LEFT JOIN Species ON InbredSet.SpeciesId=Species.Id LEFT JOIN MappingMethod ON InbredSet.MappingMethodId=MappingMethod.Id ``` The above query results to triples that have the form: ```text gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> skos:inScheme -> gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> rdfs:label -> InbredSet(FullName) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> skos:prefLabel -> InbredSet(InbredSetName) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> gnt:geneticType -> InbredSet(GeneticType) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> gnt:family -> InbredSet(Family) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> gnt:mappingMethod -> MappingMethod(Name) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> gnt:code -> InbredSet(InbredSetCode) gn:setInbredset_inbredsetname -> xkos:generalizes -> gn:Species_fullname ``` Here's an example query: ```sparql PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xkos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT * WHERE { ?s skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme . ?s rdfs:label "BXD Family" . ?s skos:prefLabel "BXD" . ?s ?p ?o . } ``` Expected Result: ```rdf gn:setBxd skos:inScheme gnc:ResourceClassificationScheme . gn:setBxd rdfs:label "BXD Family" . gn:setBxd skos:prefLabel "BXD" . gn:setBxd gnt:geneticType "riset" . gn:setBxd gnt:family "Reference Populations (replicate average, SE, N)" . gn:setBxd gnt:mappingMethod "qtlreaper" . gn:setBxd gnt:code "BXD" . gn:setBxd xkos:generalizes gn:Mus_musculus . ```