# GeneNetwork Leadership Team The GN project is directed by a leadership team that was formed in October 2023 and meets every month. Current members are: ## Rupert Overall - https://rupertoverall.net/ ## Amelie Baud - https://www.crg.eu/en/programmes-groups/baud-lab ## Derk Arends - https://dannyarends.nl/ ## Vincenza Colonna - https://colonnalab.github.io/laboratory_WebPage/ ## Shelby Solomon Darnell - https://www.shelbydarnell.com/ ## Karl Broman - https://kbroman.org/ ## Pjotr Prins - https://thebird.nl/ - https://mastodon.social/@pjotrprins ## Saunak Sen - http://senresearch.org/ # Honorary members ## Rob W. Williams - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OYJMYwIAAAAJ