# Global Search Queries This page documents search queries as understood by our xapian search engine (aka "the global search"). General xapian search query syntax is documented on the xapian website: [https://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/search/queryparser.html](https://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/search/queryparser.html). The specifics of GeneNetwork's use of xapian differs slightly in the choice of prefixes and special syntax such as the synteny search. The examples below may help to illustrate it. ### Free text search Search for the term "cytochrome" in the free text. `cytochrome` Search for the term "cytochrome" and the term "P450" in the free text (only results that have both are shown): `cytochrome AND P450` Search for occurrences of the term "cytochrome" near the term "P450" in the free text: `cytochrome NEAR P450` Search for the term "cytochrome" in the free text but exclude results that have the term "P450": `cytochrome -P450` `cytochrome NOT P450` ### Boolean filtering Search for results pertaining to the human species: `species:human` Search for results pertaining to the BXD group: `group:BXD` or `group:bxd` The above search is case-insensitive. Search for results pertaining to chromosome 11: `chr:11` Search for results pertaining to the BXD group and chromosome 11: `group:BXD AND chr:11` ### Boolean filtering using numerical ranges Search for results with mean between 5 and 7: `mean:5..7` Search for results with mean less than 5: `mean:..5` Search for results with mean greater than 7: `mean:7..` ### RIF/WIKI search To do a RIF search you can use the prefixes: `RIF:` or `rif:`. Here are some searches you can try out: ``` rif:Brca2 rif:Brca2 mean:2.4..2.404 rif:isoneuronal mean:12.103..12.105 rif:glioma symbol:shh rif:diabetes ``` To do a WIKI search you can use the prefixes: `WIKI:` or `wiki:`. Here are some example searches: ``` wiki:nicotine wiki:nicotine mean:12.103..12.105 wiki:addiction species:mouse wiki:nicotine symbol:shh wiki:glioma species:mouse group:bxd dataset:hc_m2_0606_p ``` ### Synteny search Search for results near (+/- 50 kbases) base 9930021 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in other species: `Hs:chr4:9930021` Search for results near (+/- 50 kbases) base 9930021 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in mouse alone: `Hs:chr4:9930021 species:mouse` Search for results between base 9130000 and 9980000 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in mouse alone: `Hs:chr4:9130000..9980000 species:mouse` Alternatively, this same query may be expressed using kilo or mega suffixes: ``` Hs:chr4:9130k..9980k species:mouse Hs:chr4:9.13M..9.98M species:mouse ``` ### Gotchas #### Pure \`NOT\` queries are not supported Due to [performance reasons,](https://xapian.org/docs/apidoc/html/classXapian_1_1QueryParser.html#ae96a58a8de9d219ca3214a5a66e0407eacafc7c8cf7c90adac0fc07d02125aed0) pure `NOT` queries are not supported. A search such as: `NOT author:hager` will fail. You will need to add something to the query to prevent the error, e.g. `species:mouse NOT author:hager`