This data set was generated concurrently with the VCU saline prefrontal cortex BXD RMA data and therefore consisted of 64 microarrays processed in 5 groups of 8 to 16 microarrays during the month of September 2006. All RNA extractions, cRNA synthesis, and hybridizations were randomized across strain and treatment groups to minimize batch effects.

Many of the techniques used to generate this data set are described in a recent publication in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Animals were injected intraperitoneally (IP) with saline or 1.8 g/kg of ethanol. As part of a parallel study of ethanol induced anxiolysis, all mice underwent behavioral testing that included 15 minutes of restraint in a 50 mL conical tube followed by 10 minutes in a light-dark chamber. Mice were killed by cervical dislocation four hours following IP injection. Immediately thereafter, brains were extracted and chilled for 1 minute in iced phosphate buffer before being microdissected into 8 constituent regions, including the medial prefrontal cortex. Samples were randomly assigned to batch groups prior to total RNA extraction, cRNA synthesis and hybridization. Each microarray represent a pooling of 4-5 animals.