Human retina sample collection

Retina samples were collected at Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto (FBOV) from 50 different donors for cornea transplantation in compliance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and after an informed consent allowing the use of tissues for research purposes was signed by the donor's next of kin (for a description of donors Supplementary Table S1). Each harvested tissue was accompanied with the FBOV progressive number and with details on the age and gender of donor, the cause of death and the total post-mortem time (T). To limit the possible effects of post-mortem time on RNA integrity and transcriptomic profiles, retinal tissues were isolated only from eye bulbs with a total post-mortem interval (T) ≤ 26 h. The average post-mortem time of the samples was 20.5 h (ranging from 6 to 26 h). For the same reason, bulbs deriving from multi-organ donors were excluded from the analysis. In order to limit cross-contamination with adjacent tissues, we established a protocol for the dissection of the retina from the eye bulbs (14). The dissected retinal tissue was visually inspected to exclude any cross-contamination with the pigmented RPE/choroid and was immediately submerged in RNA Stabilization Reagent (RNA later; QIAGEN).