Animals were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory and housed for several weeks at BIDMC until they reached ~2 months of age (range from 55 to 62 days). Mice were killed by cervical dislocation and brains were removed and placed in RNAlater for 20 to 25 minutes prior to dissection. Cerebella and olfactory bulbs were removed; brains were hemisected, and both striata were dissected using a medial approach by GD Rosen that typically yields 5 to 7 mg of tissue per side. The purity of this dissection has been validated by an analysis of acetylcholinestase activity. A pool of dissected tissue from 3 or 4 adults (approximately 25 to 30 mg of tissue) of the same strain, sex, and age was collected in one session and used to generate cRNA samples.

The table below lists the arrays by strain, sex, sample name, and batch ID. Each array was hybridized to a pool of mRNA from 3 to 4 mice. All mice were between 55 and 62 days.
Id Strain Sex Sample_name BatchId
1 C57BL/6J M Chip41_Batch02_B6_M_Str Batch02
2 C57BL/6J M Chip11_Batch03_B6_M_Str Batch03
3 BXD1 F Chip03_Batch03_BXD1_F_Str Batch03
4 BXD1 M Chip04_Batch03_BXD1_M_Str Batch03
5 BXD2 F Chip20_Rerun01_BXD2_F_Str Rerun01
6 BXD2 M Chip05_Batch01_BXD2_M_Str Batch01
7 BXD5 F Chip10_Batch03_BXD5_F_Str Batch03
8 BXD5 M Chip12_Batch03_BXD5_M_Str Batch03
9 BXD6 F Chip38_Batch02_BXD6_F_Str Batch02
10 BXD6 M Chip39_Batch02_BXD6_M_Str Batch02
11 BXD8 F Chip07_Batch03_BXD8_F_Str Batch03
12 BXD8 M Chip02_Batch03_BXD8_M_Str Batch03
13 BXD9 F Chip16_Batch01_BXD9_F_Str Batch01
14 BXD9 M Chip10_Batch01_BXD9_M_Str Batch01
15 BXD11 F Chip31_Batch02_BXD11_F_Str Batch02
16 BXD12 F Chip11_Batch01_BXD12_F_Str Batch01
17 BXD12 M Chip18_Batch03_BXD12_M_Str Batch03
18 BXD13 F Chip33_Batch02_BXD13_F_Str Batch02
19 BXD14 F Chip48_Batch02_BXD14_F_Str Batch02
20 BXD14 M Chip47_Rerun01_BXD14_M_Str Rerun01
21 BXD15 F Chip21_Batch01_BXD15_F_Str Batch01
22 BXD15 M Chip13_Batch01_BXD15_M_Str Batch01
23 BXD16 F Chip36_Batch02_BXD16_F_Str Batch02
24 BXD16 M Chip44_Rerun01_BXD16_M_Str Rerun01
25 BXD18 F Chip15_Batch03_BXD18_F_Str Batch03
26 BXD18 M Chip19_Batch03_BXD18_M_Str Batch03
27 BXD19 F Chip19_Batch01_BXD19_F_Str Batch01
28 BXD20 F Chip14_Batch03_BXD20_F_Str Batch03
29 BXD21 F Chip18_Batch01_BXD21_F_Str Batch01
30 BXD21 M Chip09_Batch01_BXD21_M_Str Batch01
31 BXD22 M Chip13_Batch03_BXD22_M_Str Batch03
32 BXD23 M Chip01_Batch03_BXD23_M_Str Batch03
33 BXD24 M Chip17_Batch03_BXD24_M_Str Batch03
34 BXD27 F Chip29_Batch02_BXD27_F_Str Batch02
35 BXD27 M Chip40_Batch02_BXD27_M_Str Batch02
36 BXD28 F Chip06_Batch01_BXD28_F_Str Batch01
37 BXD28 M Chip23_Batch01_BXD28_M_Str Batch01
38 BXD29 F Chip45_Batch02_BXD29_F_Str Batch02
39 BXD29 M Chip42_Batch02_BXD29_M_Str Batch02
40 BXD31 F Chip14_Batch01_BXD31_F_Str Batch01
41 BXD31 M Chip09_Batch03_BXD31_M_Str Batch03
42 BXD32 M Chip30_Batch02_BXD32_M_Str Batch02
43 BXD33 F Chip27_Rerun01_BXD33_F_Str Rerun01
44 BXD33 M Chip34_Batch02_BXD33_M_Str Batch02
45 BXD34 F Chip03_Batch01_BXD34_F_Str Batch01
46 BXD34 M Chip07_Batch01_BXD34_M_Str Batch01
47 BXD36 F Chip22_Batch03_BXD36_F_Str Batch03
48 BXD36 M Chip24_Batch03_BXD36_M_Str Batch03
49 BXD38 F Chip17_Batch01_BXD38_F_Str Batch01
50 BXD38 M Chip24_Batch01_BXD38_M_Str Batch01
51 BXD39 M Chip20_Batch03_BXD39_M_Str Batch03
52 BXD39 F Chip23_Batch03_BXD39_F_Str Batch03
53 BXD39 M Chip43_Rerun01_BXD39_M_Str Rerun01
54 BXD40 F Chip08_Rerun01_BXD40_F_Str Rerun01
55 BXD40 M Chip22_Batch01_BXD40_M_Str Batch01
56 BXD42 F Chip35_Batch02_BXD42_F_Str Batch02
57 BXD42 M Chip32_Batch02_BXD42_M_Str Batch02
58 DBA/2J M Chip02_Batch01_D2_M_Str Batch01
59 DBA/2J M Chip05_Batch03_D2_M_Str Batch03