RNA was isolated from 13 brain regions, from both hemispheres, of four late mid-fetal human brains, with a total PMI of less than one hour, and hybridized to Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST arrays. Affymetrix CEL files were imported into Partek GS using Robust Multichip Average (RMA) background correction, quantile normalization, and GC content correction. The normalized data were then converted to log-ratios, relative to arrays hybridized with RNA pooled from all regions of the same brain. Signal log-ratios are displayed here as green for negative (underexpression) and red for positive (overexpression).

Table 1 | Periods of human development and adulthood as defined in this study.

Period Description Age
1 Embryonic 4≤ Age <8 Postconceptual weeks (PCW)
2 Early fetal 8≤ Age <10 PCW
3 Early fetal 10≤ Age <13 PCW
4 Early midfetal 13≤ Age <16 PCW
5 Early midfetal 16≤ Age <19 PCW
6 Late midfetal 19≤ Age <24 PCW
7 Late fetal 24≤ Age <38 PCW
8 Neonatal and early infancy Birth≤ Age <6 Postnatal months (M)
9 Late infancy 6 M≤ Age <12 M
10 Early childhood 1≤ Age <6 Postnatal years (Y)
11 Middle and late childhood 6≤ Age <12 Y
12 Adolescence 12≤ Age <20 Y
13 Young adulthood 20≤ Age <40 Y
14 Middle adulthood 40≤ Age <60 Y
15 Late adulthood 60 Y ≤ Age