Tissue was microdissected from 13 regions, including 9 distinct neocortical areas, from both left and right sides of four late second trimester human brain specimens. Gene- and exon-level differential expression analyses were performed by mixed model, nested analysis of variance using the XRAY software from Biotique Systems. Further details available in Johnson, Kawasawa, et al., "Functional and Evolutionary Insights into Human Brain Development through Global Transcriptome Analysis" Neuron, Volume 62, Issue 4, 2009.

Ethnicity codes are as follows: AA = African American, A = ,  A/E =  X,  As,=  , H = , E = , CC =  and n/a= unknown


This track displays exon microarray expression data from the late mid-fetal human brain, generated by the Sestan Lab at Yale University. The data represent 13 brain regions, including nine areas of neocortex, and both hemispheres. By default, arrays are grouped by the median for each brain region, including each neocortical area. Alternatively, neocortex areas can be grouped together; arrays can be grouped by mean; or all 95 arrays can be shown individually.

Table 2 | Ontology and nomenclature of analyzed brain regions and neocortical areas.

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 - 15
FC: Frontal cerebral wall FC OFC: Orbital prefrontal cortex
    DFC: Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
    VFC: Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
    MFC: Medial prefrontal cortex
    M1C: Primary motor (M1) cortex
PC: Parietal cerebral wall PC S1C: Primary somatosensory (S1) cortex
    IPC: Posterior inferior parietal cortex
TC: Temporal cerebral wall TC  A1C: Primary auditory (A1) cortex
    STC: Posterior superior temporal cortex
    ITC: Inferior temporal cortex
OC: Occipital cerebral wall OC V1C: Primary visual (V1) cortex
HIP: Hippocampal anlage HIP HIP: Hippocampus
    AMY: Amygdala
VF: Ventral forebrain CGE: Caudal ganglionic eminence STR: Striatum
  LGE: Lateral ganglionic eminence  
  MGE: Medial ganglionic eminence  
DIE: Diencephalon DTH: Dorsal thalamus MD: Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
URL: Upper (rostral) rhombic lip URL CBC: Cerebellar cortex