The BXD recombinant inbred strains are derived from crossing the C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) parental strains and inbreeding for over 20 generations (Taylor et al., 1999; Peirce et al., 2004). All mice used in this study were born and housed at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Mice were kept at an average of 3–4 per cage in a temperature-controlled vivarium (22 deg C) and maintained at a 12 h light/dark cycle. All animal protocols were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee. We studied a total of 50 BXD strains, but only acquired matched male–female data pairs for 39 strains (35 BXD strains, parental B6 and D2, and two reciprocal F1 hybrids, B6D2F1 and D2B6F1). The average age of mice was 78 days. We provide more detail on the experimen-tal design and precise age and time of sacrifice of all cases at stored in 4 deg C for 2–3 days. To dissect the hypothalamus, the brain was placed with the ventral side facing up in a coronal "brain cutting" matrix. Using the medial mammillary body as landmark, a vertical cut was made right along the posterior boundary of the hypothala-mus. A second vertical cut was made 2 mm from the first cut. This edge lies slightly caudal to the optic chiasm and cuts through the retrochiasmatic nucleus. The hypothalamus was then sliced out from this 2 mm thick section. Each of the 39 mouse strains is represented by male and female samples (total of 78 microarray samples). Each individual sample consisted of tissue pooled from two mice of the same strain and sex that are usually littermates. The total number of mice used was 78 females and 78 males. RNA was purified using the RNAeasy micro kit on the QIAcube system (Qiagen)2. RNA purity and concen-tration was checked using 260/280 nm absorbance ratio and RNA integrity was analyzed using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technologies).

Index Array ID Tissue Strain Age Sex Date sacrifice Time sacrifice
1 R6854HYP Hyp C57BL/6J 77 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
2 R6862HYP Hyp C57BL/6J 77 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
3 R6852HYP Hyp D2B6F1 77 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
4 R6860HYP Hyp D2B6F1 77 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
5 R6864HYP Hyp DBA/2J 77 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
6 R6866HYP Hyp DBA/2J 68 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
7 R6858HYP Hyp B6D2F1 69 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
8 R6856HYP Hyp B6D2F1 69 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
9 R6800HYP Hyp BXD1 71 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
10 R6796HYP Hyp BXD1 85 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
11 R6788HYP Hyp BXD11 87 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
12 R6786HYP Hyp BXD11 76 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
13 R6806HYP Hyp BXD12 77 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
14 R6812HYP Hyp BXD14 81 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
15 R6804HYP Hyp BXD24 85 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
16 R6792HYP Hyp BXD27 75 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
17 R6790HYP Hyp BXD27 73 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
18 R6798HYP Hyp BXD29 71 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
19 R6794HYP Hyp BXD29 71 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
20 R6816HYP Hyp BXD31 74 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
21 R6802HYP Hyp BXD31 73 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
22 R6916HYP Hyp BXD32 81 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
23 R6846HYP Hyp BXD32 81 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
24 R6822HYP Hyp BXD34 77 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
25 R6808HYP Hyp BXD34 77 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
26 R6814HYP Hyp BXD39 79 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
27 R6848HYP Hyp BXD40 85 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
28 R6850HYP Hyp BXD40 85 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
29 R6810HYP Hyp BXD42 87 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
30 R6758HYP Hyp BXD43 81 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
31 R6746HYP Hyp BXD44 83 F 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
32 R6750HYP Hyp BXD44 83 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
33 R6764HYP Hyp BXD45 77 F 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
34 R6762HYP Hyp BXD45 77 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
35 R6880HYP Hyp BXD48 76 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
36 R6882HYP Hyp BXD48 76 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
37 R6748HYP Hyp BXD49 84 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
38 R6890HYP Hyp BXD50 77 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
39 R6892HYP Hyp BXD50 77 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
40 R6918HYP Hyp BXD56 84 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
41 R6894HYP Hyp BXD56 77 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
42 R6770HYP Hyp BXD60 70 F 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
43 R6772HYP Hyp BXD60 70 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
44 R6836HYP Hyp BXD62 83 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
45 R6844HYP Hyp BXD62 83 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
46 R6888HYP Hyp BXD63 77 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
47 R6878HYP Hyp BXD65 84 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
48 R6874HYP Hyp BXD65 84 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
49 R6930HYP Hyp BXD68 76 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
50 R6932HYP Hyp BXD68 76 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
51 R6776HYP Hyp BXD69 69 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
52 R6774HYP Hyp BXD69 80 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
53 R6926HYP Hyp BXD70 76 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
54 R6922HYP Hyp BXD70 76 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
55 R6870HYP Hyp BXD71 76 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
56 R6872HYP Hyp BXD71 76 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
57 R6778HYP Hyp BXD73 83 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
58 R6780HYP Hyp BXD73 83 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
59 R6838HYP Hyp BXD75 76 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
60 R6830HYP Hyp BXD75 76 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
61 R6934HYP Hyp BXD79 87 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
62 R6782HYP Hyp BXD80 73 F 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
63 R6784HYP Hyp BXD80 73 M 8/17/10 1:15 PM to 5 PM
64 R6914HYP Hyp BXD83 81 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
65 R6912HYP Hyp BXD83 81 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
66 R6834HYP Hyp BXD84 76 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
67 R6938HYP Hyp BXD85 74 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
68 R6940HYP Hyp BXD85 74 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
69 R6910HYP Hyp BXD87 83 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
70 R6908HYP Hyp BXD87 83 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
71 R6896HYP Hyp BXD89 82 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
72 R6898HYP Hyp BXD89 82 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
73 R6904HYP Hyp BXD90 82 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
74 R6906HYP Hyp BXD90 82 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
75 R6924HYP Hyp BXD92 86 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
76 R6928HYP Hyp BXD92 89 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
77 R6920HYP Hyp BXD95 76 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
78 R6868HYP Hyp BXD95 76 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
79 R6900HYP Hyp BXD97 71 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
80 R6902HYP Hyp BXD97 71 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
81 R6876HYP Hyp BXD99 77 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
82 R6884HYP Hyp BXD99 77 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
83 R6840HYP Hyp BXD100 83 F 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
84 R6832HYP Hyp BXD100 83 M 8/18/10 8:45AM to 12:30 PM
85 R6944HYP Hyp BXD101 89 F 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
86 R6942HYP Hyp BXD101 89 M 8/18/10 1 PM to 6:45 PM
87 R6756HYP Hyp BXD102 88 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
88 R6768HYP Hyp BXD103 78 F 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM
89 R6766HYP Hyp BXD103 78 M 8/17/10 9:30 AM to 12:30AM