Range of Gene Expression in the Eye. Expression of transcripts in the HEIMED and most other GN data sets is measured on a log2 scale. Each unit corresponding approximately to a 2-fold difference in hybridization signal intensity. To simplify comparisons among different data sets and cases, log2 RMA values of each array have been adjusted to an average expression of 8 units and a standard deviation of 2 units (variance stabilized). Values of all 45,101 probe sets in this data set range from a low of 4.8 (Tcf15, probe set 1420281_at) to a high of 15.5 (crystallin gamma C, Crygc, probe set 1422674_s_at). This corresponds to 10.7 units or a 1 to 1700 dynamic range of expression (2^10.73).

We used pooled RNA samples of whole eyes, usually two independent pools--one male, one female pool--for most lines of mice. This data set was processed using the RMA protocol. A total of 2223 probes sets are associated with LRS values greater than 46 (LOD >10).

We calibrated this log intensity scale using Affymetrix spike-in control probe sets. These 18 control probe sets target exogenous bacterial mRNAs that are added to each sample (a graded dose spike cocktail) during preparation at concentrations of 1.5, 5, 25, and 100 pM. (To find these probe sets, search GN’s ALL search field using the string “AFFX pM”.) A value of 6 or less is equivalent to an mRNA concentration of under 0.4 pM, a value of 8 is equivalent to ~1.5 pM, 9.5 is equivalent to ~5 pM, 11.5 is equivalent to ~25 pM, 13.5 is equivalent to ~100 pM, and a value of 15.5 is equivalent to an mRNA concentration of 400 pM or greater.

This range can be converted to the mRNA molecules per cell in the eye assuming that a value of 8 is equivalent to about 1 mRNA copy per cell (Kanno et al. 2006, see http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/7/64). Since the expression of rhodopsin mRNA is normally 15 units, we predict that there are 27 or ~128 Rho mRNAs per cell in the whole eye and ~256 in rods themselves (assuming that rods make up about half of all cells in the eye). For this purpose it may be useful to know that a normal mouse eye contains between 6 and 8 million rod photoreceptors (Guo, Lu, and Williams; GN BXD Phenotype ID 11024).

Note that some probe sets with very low expression still provide reliable data. For example, probe set 1440397_at (Cacna2d1) has expression of only 5.5 units (a value that would be declared as "absent" using conventional Affymetrix procedures), but the values for this calcium channel transcript are associated with a very strong cis QTL with an LRS of 79 (LOD = 17). This strong linkage is definitely not due to chance since the probability of the expression data mapping precisely to the location of the parent gene itself is about 10e-16. This indicates a high signal to noise ratio and the detection of significant strain variation of the correct transcript.

The standard error of the mean for the HEIMED data set is computed for 2 to 6 biological replicates. The standard error of such small samples tends to systematically underestimate the population standard error. With n = 2 the underestimate is about 25%, whereas for n = 6 the underestimate is 5%. Gurland and Tripathi (1971) provide a correction and equation for this effect (see Sokal and Rohlf, Biometry, 2nd ed., 1981, p 53 for an equation of the correction factor for small samples of n < 20.) Probe (cell) level data from the CEL file: These CEL values produced by GCOS are 75% quantiles from a set of 91 pixel values per cell. The CEL files were processed using the RMA protocol. We processed the first three batches together. The last batch was processed separately and merged as described below.

After RMA processing using Biobase affy10 build running under R version 2.7.1, all array data sets were rank-order normalized. This second round of quantile normalization removes much residual non-linearity across arrays and forces every array to have the same distribution of values as the mean of all arrays. Comparative array data quality was then evaluated in DataDesk. Outlier arrays were flagged by visual inspection in DataDesk, usually by means of an analysis of scatter plots and more quantitatively by generating a correlation matrix of all arrays. Those arrays with mean correlation <0.96 versus all other arrays indicates trouble or a biological outlier). In some cases, outliers were expected, such as samples from strains with retinal degeneration (FVB/NJ, NOD/LtJ, MOLF/EiJ, C3H/HeJ and BXD24), samples from wild subspecies such as WSB/EiJ, CAST/EiJ, PWD/PhJ, and PWK/PhJ, and knockouts. However, when arrays were anomolous both within strain and across strains, they were often simply discarded. The assumption is that anomolous data are much more likely due to experimental and technical errors than to informative biological variation. Approximately 10% of arrays were discarded.

After this process, the acceptable set of arrays was renormalized using all step as above, starting with the original RMA procedure, etc.

We reviewed the data set using a new method developed by RW Williams, Jeremy Peirce, and Hongqiang Li. For the full set of arrays that passed standard QC protocols described above, we computed the strain means for the BXD strains, B6, D2, and F1s. Using this set of strain means we then computed LRS scores for all 45101 probe sets and counted the number of transcripts that generated QTLs with LRS values greater than 50. This value (e.g., 1800) represented the QTL harvest for the full data set. We then dropped a single array from the data set, recomputed strain means, and recomputed the number of transcripts with LRS scores great than 50. This value is expected to typically reduce the number of QTLs that reach the criterion level (e.g., 1750 QTLs > 50). This process was repeated for every array to obtain an array-specific difference value--the effect of removing that array on the total QTL count. For example, the loss of a single array might cause a decrease in 50 QTLs. Values ranged from approximately -90 (good arrays) to +40 (bad arrays). This procedure is similar in some ways to a jackknife protocol, although we are not using this procedure to esimate an error term, but rather as a method to polish a data set.

During this process we discovered that nearly 20 arrays in the batch 2 had been mislabeled at some point in processing. We computed the correct strain membership of each array using a large number of Mendelian probe sets (more than 50) and comparing their match to standard SNP and microsatellite markers and the original array data set of November 2005. This allowed us to rescue a large number of arrays that were of high quality.

A third batch of approximately 40 arrays were processed by Yan Jiao and Weikuan Gu in August 2006. These complete data set assembled by Hongqiang Li. This process again included a correction for a batch effect.

For the June 2006 data set Hongqiang Li used a new batch correction method that stabilizes the range of expression in each batch. For each of the three large batches, we extracted the minumum and maximum raw probe expression (CEL file level) value. We then adjusted raw probe values in each batch to have the same range as the first and largest batch (batch 1) using a simple linear interpolation. These procedures generated new correct CEL files which were then used with RMA to generate final probe set estimates.

For the final fourth batch of arrays (Sept 2008) Arthur Centeno and Rob Williams corrected for a systematic difference in probe set expression values between original arrays run in 2005 and 2006 and the new arrays added in 2008 (n = 45 acceptable arrays). This difference is due to unknown technical batch effects that are probably associated with labeling, hybridization, and scanning. We performed a simple correction to normalize values of the new set of arrays to those of the old set (batches 1 through 3). No changes were made to any values of the previous three batches. We corrected only the probe set level (RMA) values and not the CEL files. For this final batch, we corrected for the difference (offset) in probe set expression between the first three batches arrays run in 2005 and 2006 (a total of 174 acceptable arrays) and the new batch (n = 47 acceptable arrays). This difference is due to unknown technical effects that are probably related to various steps in labeling, hybridization, and scanning. The correction was applied as follows: (1) RWW selected 51 high quality arrays with similar expression characteristics (r = 0.97 or better between pairs of arrays) in the old data set (from batches 1, 2, and 3) and 34 high quality arrays in the final batch. RWW used scatterplots of full RMA transcriptome data sets to review many pairs of arrays within these new and old array batches. Strains with retinal degeneration or unusual eye gene expression characteristics were excluded from these selected subsets. The average expression values for each probe set were then computed for both the old and new array subsets. The offset value (old minus new) was added to each probe set across all 47 new arrays. This processes forces the average probe set in the new arrays to be very close to that of the previous arrays.

Table 2: Sample tube ID, strain, original CEL filename, and Affymetrix quality control values. Columns labeled Scale factor, Background Average, Present, Absent, Marginal and 3'/5' ratios for actin and Gapdh were collated from the Affymetrix Report (RPT) files.


Index TubeID Strain Original CEL Scale factor Background Average Present Absent Marginal AFFX-b-ActinMur (3'/5') AFFX-GapdhMur (3'/5') Batch Id Used for batch control
1 R2595E.1 129S1/SvImJ R2595E.1.CEL 1.79 115 61.00% 37.50% 1.50% 1.46 0.77 1 Y
2 R2533E.1 129S1/SvImJ R2533E.1.CEL 2.11 94 57.90% 40.50% 1.60% 1.37 0.78 1 Y
3 R0754E.1 A/J R0754E.1.CEL 2.72 86 59.80% 38.70% 1.50% 1.36 0.76 1 Y
4 R4521E B6129P2F2N1-Clcn3 R4521E.CEL 4.83 38.7 63.30% 35.30% 1.40% 1.25 0.77 4  
5 R4522E B6129P2F2N1-Clcn3 R4522E.CEL 5.76 37.36 62.90% 35.70% 1.40% 1.37 0.83 4  
6 R4523E B6129P2F2N1-Clcn3 R4523E.CEL 4.88 40.42 63.90% 34.70% 1.40% 1.27 0.77 4  
7 R4526E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4526E.CEL 3.84 44.18 65.00% 33.70% 1.30% 1.34 0.78 4 Y
8 R4509E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4509E.CEL 7.45 34.76 58.90% 39.70% 1.40% 1.45 0.83 4  
9 R4510E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4510E.CEL 8.44 37.44 57.40% 41.10% 1.50% 1.35 0.83 4  
10 R4511E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4511E.CEL 5.91 42.02 61.40% 37.20% 1.40% 1.41 0.83 4  
11 R4524E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4524E.CEL 5.49 42.34 62.40% 36.20% 1.40% 1.29 0.78 4 Y
12 R4525E B6129P2F2N1-Gabbr1 R4525E.CEL 4.69 41.3 63.10% 35.50% 1.40% 1.27 0.8 4 Y
13 R4515E B6129P2F2N1-Gabra1 R4515E.CEL 5.75 41.76 62.80% 35.80% 1.40% 1.41 0.81 4 Y
14 R4516E B6129P2F2N1-Gabra1 R4516E.CEL 7.07 40.73 60.20% 38.40% 1.40% 1.32 0.87 4 Y
15 R4517E B6129P2F2N1-Gabra1 R4517E.CEL 5.45 38.09 62.70% 35.80% 1.40% 1.34 0.82 4 Y
16 R4512E B6129P2F2N1-Gnb5 R4512E.CEL 6.56 38.02 59.90% 38.70% 1.50% 1.33 0.83 4  
17 R4513E B6129P2F2N1-Gnb5 R4513E.CEL 4.15 41.6 63.40% 35.10% 1.50% 1.34 0.82 4  
18 R4514E B6129P2F2N1-Gnb5 R4514E.CEL 5.86 39.2 61.20% 37.30% 1.50% 1.34 0.81 4  
19 R4518E B6129P2F2N1-Gpr19 R4518E.CEL 5.58 38.9 62.60% 36.00% 1.30% 1.39 0.79 4 Y
20 R4519E B6129P2F2N1-Gpr19 R4519E.CEL 5.95 41.91 61.30% 37.30% 1.40% 1.35 0.84 4 Y
21 R2601E.1 B6D2F1 R2601E.1.CEL 2.55 92 58.90% 39.60% 1.50% 1.44 0.78 1 Y
22 R2602E.1 B6D2F1 R2602E.1.CEL 2.6 84 59.70% 38.80% 1.50% 1.37 0.78 1 Y
23 R1676E.1 BALB/cByJ R1676E.1.CEL 2.69 98 58.90% 39.60% 1.50% 1.46 0.74 1  
24 R1672E.1 BALB/cByJ R1672E.1.CEL 2.22 111 59.90% 38.60% 1.50% 1.26 0.8 1 Y
25 R4530E BALB/cJ R4530E.CEL 6.37 37.53 60.80% 37.80% 1.40% 1.3 0.84 4 Y
26 R4529E BALB/cJ R4529E.CEL 5.71 41.33 60.50% 38.00% 1.50% 1.48 0.8 4 Y
27 R2704E.2 BXD1 R2704E.2.CEL 2.066 139.61 56.60% 41.90% 1.50% 1.31 0.81 2  
28 R2707E.3 BXD1 R2707E.3.CEL 1 80 56.40% 42.10% 1.50% 1.43 0.79 3  
29 R1231E.2 BXD2 R1231E.2.CEL 2.197 138.73 57.30% 41.30% 1.40% 1.41 0.77 2  
30 R2598E.1 BXD2 R2598E.1.CEL 1.99 106 60.90% 37.60% 1.50% 1.27 0.78 1 Y
31 R2591E.1 BXD5 R2591E.1.CEL 1.7 136 58.50% 40.00% 1.50% 1.33 0.78 1 Y
32 R2714E.2 BXD5 R2714E.2.CEL 1.404 144.35 60.60% 37.90% 1.50% 1.43 0.79 2  
33 R2570E.1 BXD6 R2570E.1.CEL 1.99 87 58.50% 40.00% 1.50% 1.46 0.76 1 Y
34 R2694E.2 BXD6 R2694E.2.CEL 1.983 97.23 61.60% 37.10% 1.30% 1.39 0.82 2  
35 R2538E.1 BXD8 R2538E.1.CEL 1.91 102 61.20% 37.30% 1.50% 1.52 0.79 1 Y
36 R2709E.2 BXD8 R2709E.2.CEL 1.99 99.79 60.90% 37.60% 1.50% 1.42 0.76 2  
37 R2708E.2 BXD9 R2708E.2.CEL 1.966 126.46 57.70% 40.70% 1.50% 1.4 0.84 2  
38 R2569E.1 BXD9 R2569E.1.CEL 1.75 87 55.10% 43.40% 1.50% 2.82 3.14 1  
39 R2581E.1 BXD11 R2581E.1.CEL 1.94 89 62.10% 36.40% 1.60% 1.55 0.81 1 Y
40 R2612E.2 BXD11 R2612E.2.CEL 1.83 142.03 58.20% 40.50% 1.40% 1.78 0.81 2  
41 R2742E.2 BXD12 R2742E.2.CEL 2.127 134.14 57.00% 41.60% 1.40% 1.64 0.78 2  
42 R2543E.1 BXD12 R2543E.1.CEL 1.61 118 58.60% 39.90% 1.60% 1.43 0.77 1 Y
43 R2586E.1 BXD13 R2586E.1.CEL 2.01 74 56.40% 42.00% 1.60% 2.85 3.81 1  
44 R877E.2 BXD13 R877E.2.CEL 1.558 125.63 61.20% 37.50% 1.20% 1.42 0.81 2  
45 R2557E.1 BXD14 R2557E.1.CEL 1.83 99 62.50% 36.10% 1.40% 1.31 0.78 1 Y
46 R1128E.2 BXD14 R1128E.2.CEL 1.91 115 59.90% 38.80% 1.40% 1.2 0.82 1 Y
47 R2701E.3 BXD15 R2701E.3.CEL 1 88 60.60% 37.90% 1.40% 1.5 0.77 3  
48 R2716E.2 BXD15 R2716E.2.CEL 2.015 150.83 56.40% 42.10% 1.60% 1.42 0.81 2  
49 R2711E.2 BXD16 R2711E.2.CEL 1.953 118.53 59.00% 39.60% 1.50% 1.45 0.8 2  
50 R2567E.1 BXD16 R2567E.1.CEL 2.24 82 56.70% 41.60% 1.70% 1.37 0.75 1  
51 R2720E.2 BXD18 R2720E.2.CEL 2.32 99.93 59.50% 39.00% 1.50% 1.33 0.77 2  
52 R2559E.1 BXD18 R2559E.1.CEL 1.65 104 60.80% 37.70% 1.50% 1.27 0.78 1 Y
53 R2560E.1 BXD19 R2560E.1.CEL 1.79 98 60.90% 37.50% 1.60% 1.35 0.8 1 Y
54 R2713E.2 BXD19 R2713E.2.CEL 1.67 120.82 60.20% 38.30% 1.50% 1.45 0.8 2  
55 R2584E.1 BXD20 R2584E.1.CEL 2.07 84 59.30% 39.10% 1.60% 1.4 0.76 1 Y
56 R2731E.2 BXD20 R2731E.2.CEL 1.825 147 59.00% 39.50% 1.50% 1.4 0.8 2  
57 R2702E.2 BXD21 R2702E.2.CEL 1.811 128.65 59.40% 39.10% 1.40% 1.26 0.8 2  
58 R2541E2.1 BXD21 R2541E2.1.CEL 2.63 125 56.00% 42.40% 1.50% 1.29 0.78 1  
59 R2553E.1 BXD22 R2553E.1.CEL 1.95 111 59.90% 38.50% 1.50% 1.28 0.76 1 Y
60 R2700E.2 BXD22 R2700E.2.CEL 1.858 102.96 61.50% 37.10% 1.30% 1.48 0.79 2  
61 R2558E-2.1 BXD23 R2558E-2.1.CEL 2.233 125.05 58.60% 39.90% 1.50% 1.43 0.77 2  
62 R1086E.2 BXD23 R1086E.2.CEL 2.233 125.05 58.60% 39.90% 1.50% 1.43 0.77 2  
63 R2719E.2 BXD24 R2719E.2.CEL 1.47 140.38 61.50% 37.20% 1.30% 1.38 0.79 2  
64 R2589E2.1 BXD24 R2589E2.1.CEL 2.61 112 57.50% 40.90% 1.60% 1.24 0.8 1  
65 R2573E-2.1 BXD25 R2573E-2.1.CEL 3.15 72 57.90% 40.70% 1.40% 1.77 0.97 1  
66 R2683E.2 BXD25 R2683E.2.CEL 1.777 115.64 58.30% 40.30% 1.40% 2.01 0.79 2  
67 R2703E.2 BXD27 R2703E.2.CEL 1.263 134.78 62.60% 36.10% 1.40% 1.44 0.78 2  
68 R2729E.3 BXD27 R2729E.3.CEL 1 87 57.90% 40.60% 1.50% 1.56 0.84 3 Y
69 R2562E.3 BXD28 R2562E.3.CEL 1.65 116 59.90% 38.40% 1.70% 1.37 0.79 3 Y
70 R2721E.2 BXD28 R2721E.2.CEL 2.065 157.39 56.10% 42.40% 1.50% 1.31 0.81 2  
71 R2561E.3 BXD29 R2561E.3.CEL 1 77 53.30% 45.40% 1.40% 3.36 19.66 3  
72 R1258E.2 BXD31 R1258E.2.CEL 2.063 117.09 59.00% 39.50% 1.50% 1.54 0.78 2  
73 R2597E.1 BXD31 R2597E.1.CEL 2.37 94 60.30% 38.30% 1.50% 1.34 0.77 1 Y
74 R2563E.1 BXD32 R2563E.1.CEL 1.55 102 61.90% 36.70% 1.40% 1.5 0.8 1  
75 R1216E.2 BXD32 R1216E.2.CEL 2.23 111.99 58.80% 39.80% 1.40% 1.35 0.79 2  
76 R2542E.1 BXD33 R2542E.1.CEL 2.13 97 56.50% 41.80% 1.60% 1.91 0.93 1  
77 R857E.2 BXD33 R857E.2.CEL 1.737 113.98 61.90% 36.70% 1.30% 1.6 0.77 2  
78 R1451E.2 BXD34 R1451E.2.CEL 1.843 140.05 59.00% 39.50% 1.50% 1.42 0.81 2 Y
79 R2585E.1 BXD34 R2585E.1.CEL 2.64 75 58.30% 40.00% 1.70% 1.25 0.77 1  
80 R2698E.3 BXD36 R2698E.3.CEL 1 86 59.70% 39.00% 1.30% 1.46 0.78 3  
81 R2705E.3 BXD36 R2705E.3.CEL 1 86 60.20% 38.40% 1.40% 1.46 0.77 3  
82 R2710E.2 BXD38 R2710E.2.CEL 2.112 122.1 58.80% 39.80% 1.40% 1.37 0.78 2  
83 R2532E.1 BXD38 R2532E.1.CEL 2.04 94 59.80% 38.70% 1.50% 1.37 0.8 1 Y
84 R2574E.1 BXD39 R2574E.1.CEL 1.98 91 61.20% 37.30% 1.50% 1.39 0.78 1  
85 R2695E.2 BXD39 R2695E.2.CEL 1.638 122.7 60.80% 37.80% 1.50% 1.42 0.8 2  
86 R2699E.2 BXD40 R2699E.2.CEL 1.827 105.23 61.70% 36.90% 1.40% 1.42 0.81 2  
87 R2590E.1 BXD40 R2590E.1.CEL 2.71 77 59.10% 39.30% 1.50% 1.4 0.77 1 Y
88 R2696E.2 BXD42 R2696E.2.CEL 1.622 118.95 62.00% 36.60% 1.50% 1.53 0.79 2  
89 R2596E.1 BXD42 R2596E.1.CEL 2.63 108 59.00% 39.60% 1.50% 1.24 0.8 1  
90 R994E.2 BXD43 R994E.2.CEL 1.966 113.12 60.80% 37.80% 1.40% 1.66 0.8 2  
91 R2607E.1 BXD43 R2607E.1.CEL 2.43 115 58.60% 40.00% 1.40% 1.31 0.76 1 Y
92 R2594E.1 BXD44 R2594E.1.CEL 1.77 117 59.80% 38.80% 1.40% 1.35 0.85 1  
93 R2610E.2 BXD44 R2610E.2.CEL 1.814 142.91 59.00% 39.50% 1.50% 1.35 0.8 2  
94 R2732E.2 BXD45 R2732E.2.CEL 2.154 122.45 56.50% 42.10% 1.40% 1.8 0.83 2  
95 R2592E.1 BXD45 R2592E.1.CEL 1.85 106 60.10% 38.60% 1.30% 1.43 0.85 1 Y
96 R967E.2 BXD48 R967E.2.CEL 1.948 130.95 57.30% 41.20% 1.50% 1.63 0.81 2  
97 R2606E.1 BXD48 R2606E.1.CEL 2.56 106 58.90% 39.70% 1.40% 1.35 0.83 1 Y
98 R2933E.3 BXD50 R2933E.3.CEL 1 72 52.90% 45.60% 1.50% 2.45 0.98 3  
99 R2937E.3 BXD50 R2937E.3.CEL 1 89 56.90% 41.60% 1.40% 1.81 0.82 3  
100 R2603E.1 BXD51 R2603E.1.CEL 2.49 115 57.70% 40.80% 1.50% 1.24 0.79 1  
101 R1042E.2 BXD51 R1042E.2.CEL 2.352 104.12 58.70% 39.90% 1.40% 1.53 0.82 2  
102 R2980E.3 BXD55 R2980E.3.CEL 1 82 56.90% 41.70% 1.50% 1.77 0.84 3  
103 R2690E.2 BXD55 R2690E.2.CEL 1.887 164.01 56.10% 42.30% 1.60% 1.43 0.8 2  
104 R4176E BXD56 R4176E.CEL 4.75 43.08 63.00% 35.60% 1.30% 1.39 0.81 4 Y
105 R4175E BXD56 R4175E.CEL 6 38.49 61.30% 37.30% 1.40% 1.47 0.81 4 Y
106 R1006E.3 BXD60 R1006E.3.CEL 1 98 54.90% 43.70% 1.50% 2.7 0.86 3  
107 R2725E.2 BXD60 R2725E.2.CEL 1.551 148.01 59.80% 38.80% 1.40% 1.43 0.79 2  
108 R1074E.3 BXD60 R1074E.3.CEL 1 118 55.50% 43.10% 1.40% 1.96 0.81 3  
109 R2534E2.1 BXD61 R2534E2.1.CEL 2.47 118 57.90% 40.60% 1.50% 1.42 0.79 1  
110 R2684E.2 BXD61 R2684E.2.CEL 2.01 131.03 57.00% 41.50% 1.50% 1.34 0.78 2  
111 R1107E.3 BXD62 R1107E.3.CEL 1 83 55.20% 43.40% 1.40% 2.43 0.93 3  
112 R2681E.2 BXD62 R2681E.2.CEL 2.086 148.24 57.20% 41.30% 1.50% 1.29 0.81 2  
113 R965E.3 BXD62 R965E.3.CEL 1 93.55 53.30% 45.20% 1.50% 3.11 0.94 3  
114 R1425E.2 BXD63 R1425E.2.CEL 1.7 136 59.30% 39.30% 1.40% 1.43 0.82 2  
115 R2576E.3 BXD63 R2576E.3.CEL 1 84 61.30% 37.40% 1.40% 1.48 0.76 3  
116 R943E-2.2 BXD64 R943E-2.2.CEL 1.591 141.34 60.10% 38.40% 1.50% 1.32 0.76 2  
117 R2611E.1 BXD64 R2611E.1.CEL 2.29 92 58.00% 40.50% 1.50% 1.57 1.06 1  
118 R2689E.2 BXD65 R2689E.2.CEL 1.721 142.44 59.90% 38.60% 1.50% 1.38 0.76 2  
119 R2583E.1 BXD65 R2583E.1.CEL 2.49 70 56.90% 41.50% 1.60% 1.67 1.01 1  
120 R2728E.2 BXD66 R2728E.2.CEL 1.714 137.45 59.40% 39.00% 1.60% 1.38 0.79 2  
121 R2536E2.1 BXD66 R2536E2.1.CEL 2.74 109 56.10% 42.30% 1.70% 1.28 0.79 1  
122 R1207E.2 BXD66 R1207E.2.CEL 1.681 136.86 60.40% 38.10% 1.50% 1.45 0.77 2  
123 R1192E.2 BXD67 R1192E.2.CEL 2.126 123.37 57.90% 40.60% 1.50% 1.5 0.8 2  
124 R2727E.3 BXD67 R2727E.3.CEL 1 82.55 56.10% 42.40% 1.50% 1.97 0.87 2  
125 R2691E.3 BXD67 R2691E.3.CEL 1 90 54.80% 43.80% 1.50% 2.61 0.81 3  
126 R2551E.1 BXD68 R2551E.1.CEL 2.49 92 54.30% 44.10% 1.60% 2.91 1.55 1  
127 R2726E.2 BXD68 R2726E.2.CEL 1.811 153.09 58.70% 39.80% 1.50% 1.39 0.78 2  
128 R2593E.1 BXD69 R2593E.1.CEL 1.67 128 59.20% 39.50% 1.30% 1.47 0.92 1 Y
129 R975E.2 BXD70 R975E.2.CEL 1.841 137.97 58.00% 40.50% 1.40% 1.36 0.79 2  
130 R2537E2.1 BXD70 R2537E2.1.CEL 2.93 99 58.00% 40.50% 1.60% 1.29 0.75 1  
131 R4531E BXD71 R4531E.CEL 4.77 43.48 62.40% 36.30% 1.40% 1.23 0.77 4 Y
132 R4532E BXD71 R4532E.CEL 5.89 40.68 60.90% 37.60% 1.50% 1.24 0.79 4 Y
133 R2779E.2 BXD73 R2779E.2.CEL 1.746 121.11 59.60% 39.00% 1.40% 1.5 0.8 2  
134 R3024E.3 BXD73 R3024E.3.CEL 1 78.05 51.70% 46.60% 1.70% 2.3 0.94 3  
135 R2565E.1 BXD75 R2565E.1.CEL 1.79 102 58.00% 40.50% 1.50% 2.31 3.47 1  
136 R1397E-re.2 BXD75 R1397E-re.2.CEL 1.449 189.71 59.60% 39.00% 1.40% 1.39 0.82 2  
137 R2687E.3 BXD77 R2687E.3.CEL 1 80 58.00% 40.60% 1.40% 1.57 0.8 3 Y
138 R2717E.2 BXD77 R2717E.2.CEL 1.797 84.43 61.60% 36.90% 1.40% 1.49 0.76 2  
139 R1421E.3 BXD77 R1421E.3.CEL 1 94 52.40% 46.20% 1.40% 2.29 0.82 3  
140 R2579E.1 BXD80 R2579E.1.CEL 2.42 72 59.20% 39.40% 1.50% 1.73 0.82 1  
141 R2686E.2 BXD80 R2686E.2.CEL 2.342 119.63 56.00% 42.60% 1.50% 1.38 0.79 2  
142 R2956E.3 BXD83 R2956E.3.CEL 1 84 55.40% 43.20% 1.40% 1.39 0.84 3  
143 R2960E.3 BXD83 R2960E.3.CEL 1 80 56.60% 41.90% 1.50% 1.5 0.82 3 Y
144 R2922E.3 BXD84 R2922E.3.CEL 1 91 57.80% 40.80% 1.50% 1.47 0.83 3 Y
145 R2895E.3 BXD84 R2895E.3.CEL 1 75 58.30% 40.20% 1.50% 1.56 0.77 3 Y
146 R2692E.2 BXD85 R2692E.2.CEL 1.423 160.87 60.20% 38.30% 1.40% 1.46 0.79 2  
147 R2715E.2 BXD85 R2715E.2.CEL 1.488 142.6 61.20% 37.30% 1.40% 1.5 0.78 2  
148 R1405E.2 BXD86 R1405E.2.CEL 2.351 119.34 56.40% 42.20% 1.40% 1.64 0.81 2  
149 R1225E.3 BXD86 R1225E.3.CEL 1 71 53.90% 44.60% 1.40% 3.2 1.61 3  
150 R2724E.2 BXD87 R2724E.2.CEL 1.906 113.71 60.70% 37.90% 1.40% 1.45 0.79 2  
151 R2540E.1 BXD87 R2540E.1.CEL 2.33 93 61.10% 37.40% 1.40% 1.22 0.81 1 Y
152 R1433E.2 BXD89 R1433E.2.CEL 1 2.241 57.70% 40.80% 1.50% 1.41 0.78 2  
153 R2546E.1 BXD89 R2546E.1.CEL 1.99 96 58.60% 39.70% 1.70% 1.47 0.78 1  
154 R2578E2.1 BXD90 R2578E2.1.CEL 2.79 92 58.60% 39.80% 1.60% 1.52 0.77 1 Y
155 R859E.2 BXD90 R859E.2.CEL 1.847 152.22 57.90% 40.70% 1.40% 1.36 0.77 2  
156 R2682E.2 BXD92 R2682E.2.CEL 1.547 156.31 60.40% 38.20% 1.40% 1.37 0.77 2  
157 R1388E.3 BXD92 R1388E.3.CEL 1 63 60.00% 38.60% 1.40% 1.85 1.03 3  
158 R1322E.3 BXD92 R1322E.3.CEL 1 80 55.90% 42.60% 1.50% 1.75 0.74 3  
159 R2733E.2 BXD96 R2733E.2.CEL 1.7 113.99 62.10% 36.60% 1.30% 1.4 0.78 2  
160 R2554E.1 BXD96 R2554E.1.CEL 2.18 93 60.20% 38.30% 1.50% 1.46 0.77 1 Y
161 R2649E.2 BXD97 R2649E.2.CEL 2.343 119.04 57.50% 41.20% 1.40% 1.53 0.8 2  
162 R2577E.1 BXD97 R2577E.1.CEL 2.07 77 59.50% 39.10% 1.40% 1.87 1.29 1  
163 R2645E.3 BXD98 R2645E.3.CEL 1 88 59.40% 39.20% 1.50% 1.59 0.81 3 Y
164 R2688E.2 BXD98 R2688E.2.CEL 1.772 145.24 58.50% 40.00% 1.50% 1.48 0.81 2  
165 R4533E BXD99 R4533E.CEL 1 37.69 60.30% 38.20% 1.40% 1.33 0.89 4 Y
166 R4534E BXD99 R4534E.CEL 5.69 36.62 62.90% 35.70% 1.40% 1.16 0.8 4 Y
167 R2885E.3 BXSB/MpJ R2885E.3.CEL 1 76 58.10% 40.60% 1.30% 1.88 1.06 3  
168 R2883E.3 BXSB/MpJ R2883E.3.CEL 1 71 56.40% 42.00% 1.50% 1.59 0.84 3 Y
169 R1700E.1 C3H/HeJ R1700E.1.CEL 2.98 69 60.80% 37.90% 1.40% 1.48 0.78 1  
170 R1704E.1 C3H/HeJ R1704E.1.CEL 2.58 88 60.10% 38.60% 1.30% 1.38 0.84 1  
171 R2605E.1 C57BL/6J R2605E.1.CEL 1.82 131 60.50% 38.20% 1.30% 1.32 0.8 1 Y
172 R0871E C57BL/6J R0871E.CEL 6.24 37.38 61.90% 36.70% 1.40% 1.41 0.8 4 Y
173 R0872E.1 C57BL/6J R0872E.1.CEL 3.13 89 58.90% 39.60% 1.50% 1.3 0.79 1 Y
174 R0872E C57BL/6J R0872E.CEL 3.128 88.58 58.90% 39.60% 1.50% 1.3 0.79 1  
175 R4507E C57BL/6J-Nyx R4507E.CEL 8.13 37.5 59.30% 39.30% 1.40% 1.32 0.8 4 Y
176 R4508E C57BL/6J-Nyx R4508E.CEL 6.33 37.26 60.90% 37.80% 1.30% 1.24 0.82 4 Y
177 R4505E C57BL/6J-Rpe65 R4505E.CEL 5.98 37.48 61.80% 36.80% 1.40% 1.45 0.85 4 Y
178 R4506E C57BL/6J-Rpe65 R4506E.CEL 6.94 37.9 61.10% 37.50% 1.30% 1.5 0.83 4 Y
179 R4535E C57BLKS/J R4535E.CEL 6.59 37.28 61.20% 37.30% 1.40% 1.26 0.83 4 Y
180 R4536E C57BLKS/J R4536E.CEL 1 40.71 60.30% 38.20% 1.50% 1.25 0.77 4 Y
181 R2564E.1 CAST/EiJ R2564E.1.CEL 1.94 89 58.50% 39.90% 1.60% 1.6 0.77 1  
182 R2580E.1 CAST/EiJ R2580E.1.CEL 2.09 95 58.20% 40.10% 1.70% 1.4 0.76 1  
183 R4537E CBA/CaJ R4537E.CEL 1 38.45 60.60% 37.90% 1.50% 1.63 0.82 4 Y
184 R4538E CBA/CaJ R4538E.CEL 5.89 39.18 61.70% 36.90% 1.40% 1.45 0.8 4 Y
185 R4539E CZECHII/EiJ R4539E.CEL 7.73 37.1 58.30% 40.10% 1.50% 1.7 0.95 4 Y
186 R4540E CZECHII/EiJ R4540E.CEL 11.04 36.69 53.00% 45.30% 1.70% 1.83 1.32 4  
187 R2600E.1 D2B6F1 R2600E.1.CEL 2.47 95 58.10% 40.20% 1.70% 1.41 0.78 1 Y
188 R2604E.1 D2B6F1 R2604E.1.CEL 2.66 90 59.40% 39.20% 1.50% 1.28 0.79 1 Y
189 R1002E.3 DBA/2J R1002E.3.CEL 1 102 54.80% 43.70% 1.50% 2.84 0.83 3  
190 R4541E DBA/2J R4541E.CEL 1 43.4 61.40% 37.00% 1.50% 1.37 0.73 4 Y
191 R959E.3 DBA/2J R959E.3.CEL 1 89.97 53.20% 45.30% 1.50% 3.66 1.09 4  
192 R2572E.1 DBA/2J R2572E.1.CEL 2.41 79 55.50% 42.90% 1.60% 1.37 0.79 1  
193 R4542E DBA/2J R4542E.CEL 5.7 39.95 61.00% 37.40% 1.50% 1.23 0.81 4 Y
194 R2771E.3 FVB/NJ R2771E.3.CEL 1 70 55.30% 43.20% 1.50% 1.69 0.83 3  
195 R2772E.3 FVB/NJ R2772E.3.CEL 1 76 55.20% 43.40% 1.40% 2.13 1.02 3  
196 R2636E.1 KK/HlJ R2636E.1.CEL 2.61 93 58.90% 39.50% 1.50% 1.39 0.76 1 Y
197 R2637E.1 KK/HlJ R2637E.1.CEL 2.19 103 59.40% 39.00% 1.50% 1.3 0.79 1 Y
198 R0999E.1 LG/J R0999E.1.CEL 2.45 82 59.40% 39.10% 1.50% 1.38 0.79 1 Y
199 R1004E.1 LG/J R1004E.1.CEL 2.44 92 58.70% 39.80% 1.50% 1.38 0.79 1 Y
200 R4543E LP/J R4543E.CEL 6.57 41.99 60.30% 38.20% 1.50% 1.28 0.75 4 Y
201 R4544E LP/J R4544E.CEL 4.56 39.9 62.40% 36.10% 1.50% 1.23 0.77 4 Y
202 R2858E.3 MOLF/EiJ R2858E.3.CEL 1 64 53.80% 44.70% 1.50% 1.59 0.95 3  
203 R2919.3 MOLF/EiJ R2919.3.CEL 1 64 52.40% 46.00% 1.60% 2.15 1.07 3  
204 R1688E.1 NOD/LtJ R1688E.1.CEL 2.66 98 58.60% 39.90% 1.50% 1.26 0.8 1 Y
205 R2566E-2.1 NOD/LtJ R2566E-2.1.CEL 3.03 69 59.80% 38.80% 1.50% 1.38 0.75 1 Y
206 R4545E NZB/BlNJ R4545E.CEL 4.23 43.48 62.10% 36.40% 1.50% 1.33 0.76 4 Y
207 R4546E NZB/BlNJ R4546E.CEL 6.27 44.22 59.40% 39.10% 1.50% 1.17 0.82 4 Y
208 R2535E.1 NZO/HlLtJ R2535E.1.CEL 1.89 86 60.40% 38.20% 1.40% 1.41 0.85 1  
209 R2550E.1 NZO/HlLtJ R2550E.1.CEL 1.79 87 60.70% 37.80% 1.50% 1.52 0.82 1  
210 R2817E.3 NZW/LacJ R2817E.3.CEL 1 59 50.90% 47.60% 1.50% 3.59 1.48 3  
211 R2810E NZW/LacJ R2810E.CEL               3  
212 R2810E.3 NZW/LacJ R2810E.3.CEL 1 74 57.00% 41.70% 1.40% 2.15 1.03 4 Y
213 R4547E PANCEVO/EiJ R4547E.CEL 5.27 51.34 57.20% 41.10% 1.70% 1.7 0.83 4  
214 R4548E PANCEVO/EiJ R4548E.CEL 10.54 37.39 50.30% 48.00% 1.70% 1.68 1.09 4  
215 R2635E.1 PWD/PhJ R2635E.1.CEL 3.72 80 54.20% 44.10% 1.70% 1.53 0.85 1  
216 R2634E.1 PWD/PhJ R2634E.1.CEL 3.29 90 55.90% 42.50% 1.60% 1.57 0.81 1  
217 R2544E.1 PWK/PhJ R2544E.1.CEL 2.2 108 54.90% 43.50% 1.70% 1.36 0.82 1  
218 R2549E.1 PWK/PhJ R2549E.1.CEL 2.28 84 57.30% 41.20% 1.50% 1.57 0.83 1  
219 R4550E SJL/J R4550E.CEL 5.35 40.44 62.30% 36.20% 1.40% 1.24 0.79 4  
220 R2368E.1 WSB/EiJ R2368E.1.CEL 2.57 86 59.50% 39.10% 1.40% 1.29 0.74 1 Y
221 R2547E.1 WSB/EiJ R2547E.1.CEL 2.14 90 58.20% 40.10% 1.60% 1.32 0.77 1 Y