HFD strain assignment errors to be fixed March 2019

original rma normalization CD + HFD combined

David Ashbrook analyzed strain assignment errors in March 2019. "I've more than doubled the number of markers up to 33, and can be pretty confident that a number of strains are labelled incorrectly, and what strains they should be. I've included a '?' if I'm not confident, or if I couldn't find a good match."


BXD51 > BXD55

BXD55 > BXD51

BXD63 > BXD43

BXD73 > BXD79?

BXD73a > BXD83

BXD75 > BXD73a

BXD79 > BXD81

BXD81 > BXD84

BXD83 > BXD85

BXD84 > BXD87

BXD85? > BXD89

BXD87 > BXD90?

BXD89 > BXD95

BXD90 > BXD73

BXD95 > BXD75



I will try and add a few more markers to try and clear up the last few, but this hopefully gives you an idea of the extent of the problem. It also agrees with the strains that Rob highlighted as potential outliers in his e-mail. 






David Ashbrook, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics
Translational Science Research Building, Room 415
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
71 S Manassas St
Memphis, TN, 38103
