All animals were raised at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in SPF facilities from stock obtained from either Jackson Laboratory or UTHSC. All mice were killed by decapitation. Whole brain dissections were performed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center by Glenn Rosen and colleagues. Care was taken to assure that samples were comprised of the dorsal striatum, although it is possible that ventral striatum (accumbens) was occasionally included.

All animals used in this study were either 3 or 14 days of age. A pool of dissected striatal tissue from three naive animals of the same strain and age were collected in one session and used to generate RNA samples. The great majority (75%) of animals were sacrificed between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. All animals were sacrificed between 9 AM and 5 PM during the light phase. All RNA samples were extracted at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center by Glenn Rosen and colleagues.


Index Strain Age Batch ID Sample ID Tube ID
1 BXD1 P3 8 5237939012_A 232
2 BXD1 P3 1 5448576016_C 234
3 BXD2 P3 7 5384138020_C 230
4 BXD2 P3 6 5384138053_A 228
5 BXD5 P3 6 5384138053_D 270
6 BXD5 P3 5 5452241004_E 268
7 BXD6 P3 2 5384138018_A 102
8 BXD6 P3 1 5448576016_A 101
9 BXD8 P3 3 5384138048_B 110
10 BXD9 P3 2 5384138041_A 280
11 BXD9 P3 3 5384138058_C 278
12 BXD11 P3 2 5384138018_B 121
13 BXD11 P3 3 5384138048_C 123
14 BXD12 P3 5 5452241004_A 127
15 BXD12 P3 4 5452241007_B 125
16 BXD13 P3 8 5237939010_D 181
17 BXD13 P3 1 5448576016_B 183
18 BXD14 P3 5 5452241017_A 420
19 BXD14 P3 4 5452241023_C 419
20 BXD15 P3 7 5384138016_C 475
21 BXD15 P3 8 5448576010_F 476
22 BXD16 P3 6 5384138009_F 204
23 BXD16 P3 7 5384138020_D 205
24 BXD18 P3 7 5384138017_B 388
25 BXD18 P3 3 5452241008_B 385
26 BXD19 P3 2 5384138018_E 212
27 BXD19 P3 3 5384138048_F 213
28 BXD20 P3 2 5384138047_C 431
29 BXD20 P3 1 5448576029_A 431
30 BXD21 P3 5 5452241006_A 311
31 BXD21 P3 4 5452241022_E 309
32 BXD24a P3 6 5384138053_B 247
33 BXD24a P3 4 5452241022_B 244
34 BXD27 P3 7 5384138021_D 294
35 BXD27 P3 6 5384138053_E 293
36 BXD28 P3 7 5384138016_F 543
37 BXD28 P3 8 5448576011_B 545
38 BXD29 P3 7 5384138016_D 495
39 BXD29 P3 8 5448576011_A 498
40 BXD31 P3 4 5452241031_D 577
41 BXD31 P3 3 5452241034_D 575
42 BXD32 P3 5 5452241006_E 402
43 BXD32 P3 4 5452241023_B 401
44 BXD34 P3 2 5384138041_D 348
45 BXD34 P3 1 5448576016_E 347
46 BXD36 P3 2 5384138047_B 417
47 BXD36 P3 3 5452241008_D 418
48 BXD38 P3 8 5237939012_E 321
49 BXD38 P3 1 5448576016_D 322
50 BXD39 P3 5 5452241017_F 511
51 BXD39 P3 4 5452241031_A 512
52 BXD40 P3 8 5448576010_B 368
53 BXD40 P3 1 5448576016_F 371
54 BXD42 P3 2 5384138047_E 481
55 BXD42 P3 1 5448576029_C 479
56 BXD51 P3 4 5452241031_F 616
57 BXD51 P3 3 5452241034_F 615
58 BXD61 P3 5 5452241024_C 555
59 BXD61 P3 6 5452241035_B 557
60 BXD70 P3 7 5384138017_E 584
61 BXD70 P3 8 5448576011_D 585
62 BXD73 P3 5 5452241024_E 600
63 BXD73 P3 6 5452241035_E 601