Probe (cell) level data from the CEL file: Probe signal intensity estimates in the Affymetrix CEL files are the 75% quantile value taken from a set of 36 (6x6) pixels per probe cell in the DAT image file. Probe set data from the CHP file: Probe set estimates of expression were initially generated using the standard Affymetrix MAS 5 algorithm. The CHP values were then processed following precisely the same six steps listed above to normalize expression and stabilize the variance of all 97 arrays. The mean expression within each array is therefore 8 units with a standard deviation of 2 units. A 1-unit difference represents roughly a 2-fold difference in expression level. Expression levels below 5 are close to the background noise level. While a value of 8 unit is nominally the average expression, this average includes all those transcripts with negligible expression in the brain that would often be eliminated from subsequent analysis (so-called "absent" and "marginal" calls in the CHP file).