- list_species() - List available species. PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type gnc:species . ?s ?p ?o . } - list_groups("drosophila") - List available groups of datasets PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: SELECT ?inbredSet WHERE { ?species rdf:type gnc:species . ?species skos:altLabel "drosophila" . ?inbredSet rdf:type gnc:inbredSet . ?inbredSet gnt:belongsToSpecies ?species . } - list_datasets("BXD") - List available datasets for a given group (here, "BXD"). PREFIX v: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX gdmt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX geoSeries: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: PREFIX dct: PREFIX gdmt: SELECT DISTINCT ?datasetName WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf gnc:dataset . ?dataset rdfs:label ?datasetName . ?dataset gnt:belongsToInbredSet ?inbredSet . ?inbredSet skos:altLabel "BXD" . } - info_dataset("CB_M_1004_P") - Get meta information about a data set. PREFIX v: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX gdmt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX geoSeries: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: PREFIX dct: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s rdfs:label "CB_M_1004_P" . ?s ?p ?o . } - info_datasets("B6D2F2") - Get meta information about all data sets for a group. PREFIX v: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX gdmt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX geoSeries: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX gn: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX taxon: PREFIX dct: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf gnc:dataset . ?s gnt:belongsToInbredSet ?inbredSet . ?inbredSet skos:altLabel "B6D2F2" . ?s ?p ?o . } - info_pheno("BXD", "10038") - Get summary information for a phenotype PREFIX dct: PREFIX gn: PREFIX owl: PREFIX gnc: PREFIX gnt: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX pubmed: PREFIX fabio: SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { ?s rdf:type gnc:phenotype . ?inbredSet skos:altLabel "BXD" . ?s gnt:belongsToInbredSet ?inbredSet. ?s gnt:traitName "10001" . ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL { ?pub fabio:hasPubMedId ?pmid . ?s dct:isReferencedBy ?pmid . ?pub ?pubTerms ?pubResult . } } > - get_pheno("BXD", "10646") - Get phenotype values for a classical trait. > - get_geno("BXD") - Get genotypes for a group. > - run_gemma("BXDPublish", "10015") - Perform a genome scan with gemma > - run_rqtl("BXDPublish", "10015") - Perform a genome scan with R/qtl > - run_correlation("HC_M2_0606_P", "BXDPublish", "1427571_at") - Finds traits that are correlated with a given trait.