From e34e7da50fc0ff5ed41e8bdaf2b1d41c9e9cf534 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bonface Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 06:09:54 -0600 Subject: Update dataset RTF Files. --- general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf | 3721 ---------------------------- 1 file changed, 3721 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf (limited to 'general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf') diff --git a/general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf b/general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf deleted file mode 100644 index bcea7b0..0000000 --- a/general/datasets/HC_M2CB_1205_R/tissue.rtf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3721 +0,0 @@ -

BXD animals were obtained from UTHSC, UAB, or directly from The Jackson Laboratory (see Table 1 below). Animals were housed at UTHSC, Beth Israel Deaconess, or the Jackson Laboratory before sacrifice. Virtually all CXB animals were obtained directly at the Jackson Laboratory by Lu Lu. We thank Muriel Davisson for making it possible to collect these cases on site. Standard inbred strain stock was from The Jackson Laboratory, but most animals were housed or reared at UTHSC. Mice were killed by cervical dislocation and brains were removed and placed in RNAlater prior to dissection. Cerebella and olfactory bulbs were removed; brains were hemisected, and both hippocampi were dissected whole by Hong Tao Zhang in the Lu lab. Hippocampal samples are very close to complete (see Lu et al., 2001) but probably include variable amounts of subiculum and fimbria.

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A great majority of animals used in this study were between 45 and 90 days of age (average of 66 days, maximum range from 41 to 196 days; see Table 1 below). All animals were sacrifice between 9 AM and 5 PM during the light phase.

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A pool of dissected tissue typically from six hippocampi and three naive adults of the same strain, sex, and age was collected in one session and used to generate cRNA samples. Two-hundred and one RNA samples were extracted at UTHSC by Zhiping Jia, four samples by Shuhua Qi (R2331H1, R2332H1, P2350H1, R2349H1), and one by Siming Shou (R0129H2).

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RNA Extraction: In brief, we used the RNA STAT-60 protocol (TEL-TEST "B" Bulletin No. 1), steps 5.1A (homogenization of tissue), 5.2 (RNA extraction), 5.3 (RNA precipitation), and 5.4 (RNA wash). In Step 5.4 we stopped after adding 75% ethanol (1 ml per 1 ml RNA STAT-60) and stored the mix at -80°C until further use. Before RNA labeling we thawed samples and proceeded with the remainder of Step 5.4; pelleting, drying, and redissolving the pellet in RNase-free water.

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We finally purify RNA by using Na4OAc before running arrays. Here is the detailed method:

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Final RNA purification protocol

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  1. Add 1/10th volume of 3M Na4OAc , pH 5.2. If the sample was eluted with 100 µl nuclease-free water as suggested, this will be 10 µl of 3M Na4OAc.
  2. -
  3. Add 2.5 volumes of 100% ethanol (250 µl if the RNA was eluted in100 µl). Mix well and incubate at –20°C for 2 hrs.
  4. -
  5. Centrifuge at speed of 13,000 rpm for 20 min at 4°C. Carefully remove and discard the supernatant.
  6. -
  7. Wash the pellet with 800 µl 75% cold ethanol, centrifuge at speed of 8,600 rpm for 5 min, and remove the 75% ethanol. Wash again.
  8. -
  9. To remove the last traces of ethanol, quickly respin the tube, and aspirate any residual fluid.
  10. -
  11. Air dry the pellet.
  12. -
  13. Resuspend pellet in nuclease-free water.
  14. -
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5. PROTOCOL: RNA/mRNA isolation by the RNA STAT-60 method includes the following steps:
-1. Homogenization RNA STAT-60TM (1 ml per 50-100 mg tissue, or 5-10 x 10-6 cells)
-2. RNA Extraction 1 vol. of homogenate +0.2 vol. of chloroform
-3. RNA Precipitation 0.5 vol. of isopropanol
-4. RNA Wash 75% ethanol

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Unless stated otherwise the procedure is carried out at room temperature.

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A. TISSUES: Homogenize tissues samples in the RNA STAT-60(1 ml/50-100mg tissue) in a glass-Teflon or Polytron homogenizer. Sample volume should not exceed 10% of the volume of the RNA STAT-60 used for homogenization.

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B. CELLS: Cells grown in mono layer are lysed directly in a culture dish by adding the RNA STAT-60TM (1 ml/3.5 cm petri dish) and passing the cell lysate several times through a pipette. Cells grown in suspension are sediment then lysed in the RNA STAT-60TM (1 ml per 5-10 x 106 cells) by repetitive pipetting. Washing calls before addition of the RNA STAT-60TM should be avoided as this increases the possibility of mRNA degradation.

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5.2 RNA EXTRACTION: Following homogenization, store the homogenate for 5 min at room temp to permit the complete dissociation of nucleoprotein complexes. Next, add 0.2 ml of chloroform per 1 ml of the RNA STAT-60, cover the sample tightly, shake vigorously for 15 seconds and let it stay at room temperature for 2-3minutes. Centrifuge the homogenate at 12,000g (max) for 15 minutes at 4°C. Following centrifugation, the homogenate separates into two phases: a lower red phenol chloroform phase and the colorless upper aqueous phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase whereas DNA and proteins are in the interferes and organic phase. The volume of the aqueous phase is about 60% of the volume of RNA STAT-60 used for homogenization.

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5.3 RNA PRECIPITATION: Transfer the aqueous phase to a fresh tube and mix with isopropanol. Add 0.5 ml of isopropanol per 1 ml of the RNA STAT-60 used for homogenization. Store samples at room temp for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge at 12,000g (max.) for 10 min at 4°C. RNA precipitate (often visible before centrifugation) forms a white pellet at the bottom of the tube.

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5.4 RNA WASH: Remove supernatant and wash the RNA pellet once with 75% ethanol by vortexing and subsequent centrifugation at 7,500g (max.) for 5 min at 4°C. Add at least 1 ml of 75% ethanol per 1 ml of the RNA STAT-60 used for the initial homogenization.

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At the end of the procedure, dry the RNA pellet briefly by air-drying or in a vacuum (5-10 min.). It is important not to let the RNA pellet dry completely as it will greatly decrease its solubility. Do not use the Speed-Vac for drying. Dissolve the RNA pellet in water or in 1 mm EDTA, pH 7, or 0.5% SDS solution. Vortex or pass the pellet a few times through a pipette tip. An incubation for 10-15 minutes at 55-60oC may be required to dissolve RNA samples. Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated RNase-free solutions1 should be used for solubilization of RNA.

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Sample Processing: Samples were processed in the INIA Bioanalytical Core at the W. Harry Feinstone Center for Genomic Research, The University of Memphis, led by Thomas R. Sutter. All processing steps were performed by Shirlean Goodwin. In brief, RNA purity was evaluated using the 260/280 nm absorbance ratio, and values had to be greater than 1.8. The majority of samples were 1.9 to 2.1. RNA integrity was assessed using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100. We required an RNA integrity number (RIN) of greater than 8. This RIN value is based on the intensity ratio and amplitude of 18S and 28S rRNA signals. The standard Eberwine T7 polymerase method was used to catalyze the synthesis of cDNA template from polyA-tailed RNA using Superscript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen Inc.). The Enzo Life Sciences, Inc., BioArray High Yield RNA Transcript Labeling Kit (T7, Part No. 42655) was used to synthesize labeled cRNA. The cRNA was evaluated using both the 260/280 ratio (values of 2.0 or 2.1 are acceptable) and the Bioanalyzer output (a dark cRNA smear on the 2100 output centered roughly between 600 and 2000 nucleotides is required). Those samples that passed both QC steps (10% usually failed and new RNA samples had to be acquired and processed) were then sheared using a fragmentation buffer included in the Affymetrix GeneChip Sample Cleanup Module (Part No. 900371). Fragmented cRNA samples were either stored at -80°C until use or were immediately injected onto the array. The arrays were hybridized and washed following standard Affymetrix protocols.

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Replication and Sample Balance: Our goal was to obtain a male sample pool and female sample pool from each isogenic group. While almost all strains were orginally represented by matched male and female samples, not all data sets passed the final quality control steps. All but 5 of 99 strains (BXD55, BXD86, BXD94, BALB/cByJ, and CAST/EiJ) are represented by pairs or (rarely) trios of arrays. The first and last samples are technical replicates of a B6D2F1 hippocampal pool (aliquots R1291H3 and R1291H4).

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Sex Balance: Based on the expression of Xist, probe set 1427262_at, DBA/2J and KK/HlJ are represented only by female samples, BXD55, and BALB/cByJ are only represented by a single male sample, BXD74 is represented by two male samples, and BXD86, BXD94, and CAST/EiJ are possibly mixed sex samples. One of the BXD9 samples, array R1523, may be a mixed sex sample pool because the expression of Xist is intermediate.

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Experimental Design and Batch Structure: This data set consists arrays processed in six groups over a three month period (May 2005 to August 2005). Each group consists of 32 to 34 arrays. Sex, strain, and strain type (BXD, CXB, and MDP) were interleaved among groups to ensure reasonable balance and to minimize group-by-strain statistical confounds in group normalization. The two independent samples from a single strain were always run in different groups. All arrays were processed using a single protocol by a single operator, Shirlean Goodwin.

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All samples in a group were labeled on one day, except for a few cases that failed QC on their first pass. The hybridization station accommodates up to 20 samples, and for this reason each group was split into a large first set of 20 samples and a second set of 12 to 14 samples. Samples were washed in groups of four and then held in at 4°C until all 20 (or 12-14) arrays were ready to scan. The last four samples out of the wash stations were scanned directly. Samples were scanned in sets of four.

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COMPARISON with December 2005 Data Set: Both BXD14 arrays in the Dec05 data set were found to actually be from BXD23 cases. This error of strain identification has been corrected in the present data set. Four arrays in the Dec05 data set have been deleted because we judged them to be of poor quality (strain_sex_sample_firstreaction_group):

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  1. BXD21_F_1_1_G1
  2. -
  3. BXD23_M_1_1_G7
  4. -
  5. BXD36_M_1_1_G2
  6. -
  7. BXD36_F_1_1_G3
  8. -
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In the Dec05 data set there are a total of 1986 transcripts with QTLs that have LRS scores above 50, whereas in the corrected June06 data sets there are a total of 2074 transcripts with QTLs above 50.

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Data Table 1:

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This table lists all arrays by file order (Index), tube/sample ID, age, sex, batch, and numbers of animals in each sample pool (pool size). The next columns (RMA outlier, scale factor, background average, present, absent, marginal, AFFY-b-ActinMur(3'/5'), AFFY-GapdhMur(3'/5')) are all Affymetrix QC data. Finally, source lists the source colony of the animals. (Final version, fully corrected, by Arthur Centeno, October 2008)

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indextube IDstrainagesexbatch IDpool sizeRMA outlierscale factorback ground averagepresentabsentmarginalAFFX-b-ActinMur (3'/5')AFFX-GapdhMur (3'/5')source
1R1289H2B6D2F164F630.022.40653.840.4920.4890.0191.610.96UTM RW
2R1291H3B6D2F166M130.013.52448.540.4870.4940.0191.211.52UTM RW
3R1291H4B6D2F166M technical duplicate of above630.083.89146.690.5120.4690.0191.90.89UTM RW
4R2045H2D2B6F165F120.014.40347.990.4970.4850.0181.091.53UTM RW
5R1595H2D2B6F163F530.062.57958.490.5060.4750.0192.491.21UTM RW
6R1551H1D2B6F172F630.022.6253.760.5060.4760.0181.370.76UTM RW
7R1361H1C57BL/6J69F640.013.05851.870.4770.5030.021.670.76UTM RW
8R2041H2C57BL/6J65M140.043.34149.260.5270.4560.0181.141.45UTM RW
9R1449H2C57BL/6J71M530.093.59244.320.470.510.021.680.77UTM DG
11R1468H1DBA/2J64F530.032.92953.80.5150.4650.0191.280.79UTM RW
23R1523H3BXD957MF (mixed)730.143.978.360.4350.5470.0181.360.77UTM RW
30R1304H2BXD1472F730.033.94661.870.4840.4980.0181.220.77UTM RW
31R1278H2BXD1455M730.064.7567.520.4490.5320.0191.10.73UTM RW
37R1471H1BXD19157M130.023.16543.340.5190.4620.0181.011.29UTM JB
44R1280H2BXD2356F130.013.18754.630.4580.5230.0190.961.2UTM RW
54R1240H2BXD3161M230.022.33565.170.5070.4740.0191.310.78UTM RW
55R1526H2BXD3157F740.17.26789.540.4350.5470.0171.350.78UTM RW
70R1334H2BXD4359F1302.67254.360.4920.4910.0171.22.06UTM RW
71R1303H1BXD4363M340.023.49751.90.4860.4950.0191.150.8UTM RW
72R1326H1BXD4465F3403.41253.960.4960.4850.0181.350.78UTM RW
73R1577H2BXD4456M130.022.15967.520.5120.4690.0191.181.71UTM RW
75R1472H1BXD4565M740.041.65173.310.5430.440.0181.630.74UTM RW
76R1316H1BXD4858F4302.44568.590.5150.4670.0191.160.73UTM RW
77R1575H3BXD4865M340.054.57755.780.4660.5140.0191.590.9UTM RW
78R2521H1BXD5063F640.013.10957.280.4950.4850.021.230.78UTM RW
79R1944H2BXD5081M130.012.54663.390.4950.4850.020.91.57UTM RW
80R2331H1BXD5166F330.033.53444.420.5010.4810.0171.20.9UTM RW
81R1582H1BXD5171M640.032.9247.870.4890.4910.021.360.75UTM RW
82R2680H1BXD5565M730.071.70779.750.5030.480.0171.911.05UTM RW
83R1331H1BXD6060F430.012.86750.330.4920.4870.0211.340.78UTM RW
84R1281H2BXD6059M1302.3958.440.5110.4690.020.941.2UTM RW
85R2667H1BXD6170F740.033.3659.040.4950.4880.0181.160.76UTM RW
86R1856H2BXD6194M1203.50249.60.5010.480.0190.961.3UTM RW
87R1246H1BXD6254F140.023.40551.470.5110.4710.0181.141.34UTM RW
88R1585H2BXD6264M640.013.15655.770.5180.4640.0181.430.82UTM RW
89R1945H1BXD63107F130.022.81152.650.5220.4590.0191.051.36UTM RW
90R2093H3BXD6370M630.023.89442.850.5030.4770.0191.291.01UTM RW
91R2062H2BXD6465F130.053.79578.480.5130.4680.0190.981.43UTM RW
92R2061H1BXD6487M340.013.53661.570.4770.5040.0191.310.78UTM RW
93R2054H2BXD6555F120.033.15980.960.480.5020.0181.091.24UTM RW
94R2056H2BXD6589M6202.83659.60.5040.4770.0191.30.75UTM RW
95R1941H2BXD6678F140.012.73450.930.4990.4810.021.181.29UTM RW
96R1949H2BXD6696M420.042.82851.270.4740.5080.0192.051.12UTM RW
97R2060H1BXD6754F630.012.56143.880.5020.4790.021.70.84UTM RW
98R2052H1BXD6761M140.013.16143.230.5210.460.0181.091.31UTM RW
99R2074H1BXD6860F530.026.52849.620.4790.5020.0191.480.83UTM RW
100R1928H1BXD6872M220.012.40448.280.5210.4590.021.30.74UTM RW
101R1439H3BXD6960F230.022.46359.140.5220.4590.0181.310.78UTM RW
102R1559H1BXD6964M330.032.98767.740.4860.4960.0171.380.8UTM RW
103R2134H1BXD7064F520.022.14858.640.5320.450.0191.40.85UTM RW
104R2063H1BXD7055M230.023.48155.320.5130.4690.0181.280.71UTM RW
105R1277H1BXD7360F420.012.57662.450.5020.4790.0191.350.79UTM RW
106R1443H2BXD7376M230.012.31264.340.4990.4810.021.480.77UTM RW
107R2055H2BXD7479M230.012.57656.840.5090.4730.0181.460.88UTM RW
108R2316H1BXD74193M520.013.45755.350.5080.4710.021.170.78UTM RW
109R1871H1BXD7561F230.041.72356.40.530.4510.0191.30.76UTM RW
110R1844H2BXD7590M340.011.93456.230.520.4610.0191.620.86UTM RW
111R1948H2BXD7681F230.011.50768.850.5530.4280.021.30.75UTM RW
112R2094H1BXD7661M540.013.29942.690.5190.4620.0191.390.88UTM RW
113R2262H1BXD7762F340.024.31747.160.4930.4880.0191.320.74UTM RW
114R1423H1BXD7762M230.023.07154.150.510.4710.0191.260.74UTM RW
115R1947H1BXD79108F220.012.59951.520.5240.4570.0191.350.74UTM RW
116R2092H1BXD7986M540.063.73542.250.5140.4680.0182.941.06UTM RW
117R1880H1BXD8068F530.064.85542.220.5010.4810.0182.171.36UTM RW
118R1881H2BXD8068M230.022.07348.930.5240.4580.0191.340.83UTM RW
119R2075H1BXD8360F230.012.45455.10.5020.480.0181.270.77UTM RW
120R2076H2BXD8360M630.032.62455.650.4950.4880.0182.210.94UTM RW
121R2077H2BXD8462F6202.171.870.5220.4590.0181.680.81UTM RW
122R2135H3BXD8475M220.012.46764.460.5050.4760.0191.20.74UTM RW
123R1473H1BXD8579F230.023.38455.340.4780.5020.021.240.77UTM RW
124R1474H1BXD8557M130.012.83155.240.5220.4610.0181.041.29UTM RW
125R1597H1BXD8586M440.092.02853.950.4870.4920.0211.280.83UTM RW
126R1415H1BXD8677F430.022.52553.160.4950.4850.021.660.91UTM RW
127R2669H2BXD8763F730.072.6157.590.5130.470.0181.60.91UTM RW
128R1710H1BXD8784M240.012.69756.40.5120.4690.0191.280.79UTM RW
129R1872H2BXD8990F220.023.01363.530.4920.4880.0211.220.72UTM RW
130R1850H3BXD8982M440.032.73644.890.4980.4830.0191.50.83UTM RW
131R2058H1BXD9061F230.013.38948.050.5020.4780.021.530.76UTM RW
133R1301H2BXD9258F230.023.54341.970.5220.460.0181.50.79UTM RW
134R1309H1BXD9259M430.051.65566.340.4980.4810.0211.520.82UTM RW
135R2057H1BXD9392F530.024.03344.410.5090.4710.021.220.78UTM RW
136R2059H1BXD9358M1303.05860.290.4930.4880.0191.181.37UTM RW
137R2313H1BXD9459F3303.09159.450.4870.4950.0181.340.73UTM RW
138R1915H1BXD9665F520.045.14546.190.5020.4810.0171.370.74UTM RW
139R1846H2BXD9663M1303.15955.850.4870.4930.020.921.26UTM RW
140R2648H1BXD9774F740.021.66482.080.5180.4640.0191.40.78UTM RW
141R1927H2BXD9767M130.042.62257.810.5390.4440.0171.451.32UTM RW
142R1942H1BXD9862F530.043.10448.420.5280.4540.0192.221.08UTM RW
143R1943H2BXD9862M330.024.0456.850.4840.4970.0191.180.76UTM RW
144R2197H1BXD9970F330.024.28851.750.490.4920.0181.350.81UTM RW
145R2315H1BXD9984M520.036.03643.050.4840.4970.0181.70.96UTM RW
148R2670H1A/J65F730.043.95146.80.4980.4850.0171.320.75UTM RW
149R2030H1A/J57M520.063.30745.160.5270.4540.0181.630.99UTM RW
153R2036H3BALB/cJ51F530.122.61156.290.5180.4660.0173.31.23UTM RW
154R2053H1BALB/cJ55M530.12.50563.270.4990.4830.0183.11.34UTM RW
155R2037H2BALB/cJ51M640.012.54658.130.4970.4850.0181.260.77UTM RW
156R2038H3C3H/HeJ63F630.022.67166.740.4760.5040.021.410.77UTM RW
157R2039H1C3H/HeJ63M530.13.38444.150.5280.4540.0172.160.88UTM RW
163R2046H1LG/J63F520.032.82259.180.5140.4680.0181.680.8UTM RW
164R2047H2LG/J63M630.072.03860.340.5090.4710.022.160.95UTM RW
165R2048H1NOD/LtJ77F620.144.04550.210.4890.490.0212.890.95UTM RW
166R2049H3NOD/LtJ76M530.12.32852.780.5190.4620.0193.091.35UTM RW
169R2677H1PWD/PhJ65M720.122.76465.490.4620.520.0181.891.16UTM RW
170R2051H3PWD/PhJ64M530.073.26651.50.4750.5060.0192.81.01UTM RW
183R2505H1CXB580F630.022.8349.60.4990.480.021.330.76UTM RW
185R0129H2CXB570M330.074.82945.420.4880.4930.0191.230.83UTM RW
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