""" A script to do search for phenotype traits using the Xapian Search endpoint. """ import uuid import json import traceback from urllib.parse import urljoin from typing import Any, Iterable from datetime import datetime, timedelta import click import redis import requests from gn_libs import mysqldb as gn3db from gn_auth import jobs from gn_auth.auth.db import sqlite3 as authdb from gn_auth.settings import SQL_URI, AUTH_DB from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.data.phenotypes import linked_phenotype_data class NoSearchResults(Exception): """Raise when there are no results for a search.""" def do_search( host: str, query: str, per_page: int, page: int = 1) -> Iterable[dict[str, Any]]: """Do the search and return the results""" search_uri = urljoin(host, (f"search/?page={page}&per_page={per_page}" f"&type=phenotype&query={query}")) response = requests.get(search_uri, timeout=300) results = response.json() if len(results) > 0: return (item for item in results) raise NoSearchResults(f"No results for search '{query}'") def __filter_object__(search_item): return (search_item["species"], search_item["group"], search_item["dataset"], search_item["name"]) def remove_selected(search_results, selected: tuple): """Remove any item that the user has selected.""" return (item for item in search_results if __filter_object__(item) not in selected) def remove_linked(search_results, linked: tuple): """Remove any item that has been already linked to a user group.""" return (item for item in search_results if __filter_object__(item) not in linked) def update_status(redisconn: redis.Redis, redisname, status: str): """Update the status of the search.""" redisconn.hset(redisname, "status", json.dumps(status)) def update_search_results(redisconn: redis.Redis, redisname: str, results: tuple[dict[str, Any], ...]): """Save the results to redis db.""" key = "search_results" prev_results = tuple(json.loads(redisconn.hget(redisname, key) or "[]")) redisconn.hset(redisname, key, json.dumps(prev_results + results)) def expire_redis_results(redisconn: redis.Redis, redisname: str): """Expire the results after a while to ensure they are cleaned up.""" redisconn.expireat(redisname, datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=30)) @click.command() @click.argument("species") @click.argument("query") @click.argument("job-id", type=click.UUID) @click.option( "--host", default="http://localhost:8080/api/", help="The URI to GN3.") @click.option("--per-page", default=10000, help="Number of results per page.") @click.option("--selected", default="[]", help="Selected traits.") @click.option( "--auth-db-uri", default=AUTH_DB, help="The SQL URI to the auth database.") @click.option( "--gn3-db-uri", default=SQL_URI, help="The SQL URI to the main GN3 database.") @click.option( "--redis-uri", default="redis://:@localhost:6379/0", help="The URI to the redis server.") def search(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments, too-many-positional-arguments, too-many-locals] species: str, query: str, job_id: uuid.UUID, host: str, per_page: int, selected: str, auth_db_uri: str, gn3_db_uri: str, redis_uri: str): """ Search for phenotype traits, filtering out any linked and selected traits, loading more and more pages until the `per_page` quota is fulfilled or the search runs out of pages. """ redisname = jobs.job_key(job_id) with (authdb.connection(auth_db_uri) as authconn, gn3db.database_connection(gn3_db_uri) as gn3conn, redis.Redis.from_url(redis_uri, decode_responses=True) as redisconn): update_status(redisconn, redisname, "started") update_search_results(redisconn, redisname, tuple()) # init search results try: search_query = f"species:{species}" + ( f" AND ({query})" if bool(query) else "") selected_traits = tuple( (item["species"], item["group"], item["dataset"], item["name"]) for item in json.loads(selected)) linked = tuple( (row["SpeciesName"], row["InbredSetName"], row["dataset_name"], str(row["PublishXRefId"])) for row in linked_phenotype_data(authconn, gn3conn, species)) page = 1 count = 0 while count < per_page: results = tuple(remove_linked( remove_selected( do_search(host, search_query, per_page, page), selected_traits), linked))[0:per_page-count] count = count + len(results) page = page + 1 update_search_results(redisconn, redisname, results) except NoSearchResults as _nsr: pass except Exception as _exc: # pylint: disable=[broad-except] update_status(redisconn, redisname, "failed") redisconn.hset(redisname, "exception", json.dumps(traceback.format_exc())) expire_redis_results(redisconn, redisname) return 1 update_status(redisconn, redisname, "completed") expire_redis_results(redisconn, redisname) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": search() # pylint: disable=[no-value-for-parameter]