""" Create linked genotype data table """ from yoyo import step __depends__ = {'20230322_02_Ll854-create-phenotype-resources-table'} steps = [ step( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS linked_genotype_data -- Link genotype data in MariaDB to user groups in auth system ( data_link_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- A new ID for the auth system group_id TEXT NOT NULL, -- The user group the data is linked to SpeciesId TEXT NOT NULL, -- The species in MariaDB InbredSetId TEXT NOT NULL, -- The traits group in MariaDB GenoFreezeId TEXT NOT NULL, -- The dataset Id in MariaDB dataset_name TEXT, -- dataset Name in MariaDB dataset_fullname, -- dataset FullName in MariaDB dataset_shortname, -- dataset ShortName in MariaDB FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES groups(group_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT UNIQUE (SpeciesId, InbredSetId, GenoFreezeId) ) WITHOUT ROWID """, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS linked_genotype_data") ]