{%extends "base.html"%} {%block title%}gn-auth: Verify Email{%endblock%} {%block pagetitle%}Verify Email{%endblock%} {%block content%} {{flash_messages()}}

Verify Your E-Mail

{%if token_found:%}
Email Verification

If you are seeing this, your account needs to be verified.

An email with a verification token has already been sent to the address associated with this account ({{email}}). Please provide that verification token below and click the "Verify Email Address" button to verify your account.

Send Verification Code

Provide your password below, and we will send you a verification password to your email.

You are seeing this page because:

  1. You already had an existing account.
    In this case, you will need to request a verification code by providing your email below and clicking the "Send Verification Code" button.
    We will send you an email with both:
    1. a link you can click to verify your email, and
    2. a token to copy and paste if you choose not to follow the link.
  2. You registered your account recently, but did not verify it within the time period allocated for that. In this case, simply request a new verification email below, and follow the link, or copy and paste the token in the email we send you.