"""Handle sending emails. Uses Python3's `smtplib`.""" import smtplib import mimetypes from typing import Optional from email.message import EmailMessage from email.headerregistry import Address def __read_mime__(filepath) -> dict: """Read mimetype for attachments""" _mime,_extras = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath) if bool(_mime): return dict(zip(("maintype", "subtype"), _mime.split("/")))# type: ignore[union-attr] return {} def build_email_message(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments] to_addresses: tuple[Address, ...], subject: str, txtmessage: str, htmlmessage: str = "", attachments: tuple[str, ...] = tuple(), from_address: Address = Address( "GeneNetwork Automated Emails", "no-reply", "genenetwork.org") ) -> EmailMessage: """Build an email message.""" msg = EmailMessage() msg["From"] = from_address msg["To"] = to_addresses msg["Subject"] = subject msg.set_content(txtmessage) if bool(htmlmessage): msg.add_alternative(htmlmessage, subtype="html") for _path in attachments: with open(_path, "rb") as _file: msg.add_attachment(_file.read(), **__read_mime__(_path)) return msg def send_message(# pylint: disable=[too-many-arguments] smtp_user: str, smtp_passwd: str, message: EmailMessage, host: str = "", port: int = 587, local_hostname: Optional[str]=None, timeout: int = 200, source_address: Optional[tuple[tuple[str, int], ...]] = None ): """Set up a connection to a SMTP server and send a message.""" with smtplib.SMTP(host, port, local_hostname, timeout, source_address) as conn: conn.starttls() conn.login(smtp_user, smtp_passwd) conn.send_message(message)