"""The views/routes for the resources package""" from uuid import UUID, uuid4 import json import operator import sqlite3 import time from dataclasses import asdict from functools import reduce from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2.errors import _HTTPException from authlib.jose import jwt from flask import (make_response, request, jsonify, Response, Blueprint, current_app as app) from gn_auth.auth.db import sqlite3 as db from gn_auth.auth.db.sqlite3 import with_db_connection from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.roles import Role from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.privileges import Privilege from gn_auth.auth.errors import InvalidData, InconsistencyError, AuthorisationError from gn_auth.auth.authorisation.roles.models import ( role_by_id, db_rows_to_roles, check_user_editable, delete_privilege_from_resource_role) from gn_auth.auth.authentication.oauth2.resource_server import require_oauth from gn_auth.auth.authentication.users import User, user_by_id, user_by_email from .checks import authorised_for from .models import ( Resource, resource_data, resource_by_id, public_resources, resource_categories, assign_resource_user, link_data_to_resource, unassign_resource_user, resource_category_by_id, user_roles_on_resources, unlink_data_from_resource, create_resource as _create_resource, get_resource_id) from .groups.models import Group, resource_owner, group_role_by_id resources = Blueprint("resources", __name__) @resources.route("/categories", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def list_resource_categories() -> Response: """Retrieve all resource categories""" db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"] with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: return jsonify(tuple( asdict(category) for category in resource_categories(conn))) @resources.route("/create", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def create_resource() -> Response: """Create a new resource""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: form = request.form resource_name = form.get("resource_name") resource_category_id = UUID(form.get("resource_category")) db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"] with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: try: resource = _create_resource( conn, resource_name, resource_category_by_id(conn, resource_category_id), the_token.user, (form.get("public") == "on")) return jsonify(asdict(resource)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as sql3ie: if sql3ie.args[0] == ("UNIQUE constraint failed: " "resources.resource_name"): raise InconsistencyError( "You cannot have duplicate resource names.") from sql3ie app.logger.debug( f"{type(sql3ie)=}: {sql3ie=}") raise @resources.route("/view/") @require_oauth("profile group resource") def view_resource(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """View a particular resource's details.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"] with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: return jsonify( asdict( resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id) ) ) def __safe_get_requests_page__(key: str = "page") -> int: """Get the results page if it exists or default to the first page.""" try: return abs(int(request.args.get(key, "1"), base=10)) except ValueError as _valerr: return 1 def __safe_get_requests_count__(key: str = "count_per_page") -> int: """Get the results page if it exists or default to the first page.""" try: count = request.args.get(key, "0") if count != 0: return abs(int(count, base=10)) return 0 except ValueError as _valerr: return 0 @resources.route("/view//data") @require_oauth("profile group resource") def view_resource_data(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """Retrieve a particular resource's data.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: db_uri = app.config["AUTH_DB"] count_per_page = __safe_get_requests_count__("count_per_page") offset = (__safe_get_requests_page__("page") - 1) with db.connection(db_uri) as conn: resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id) return jsonify(resource_data( conn, resource, ((offset * count_per_page) if bool(count_per_page) else offset), count_per_page)) @resources.route("/data/link", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def link_data(): """Link group data to a specific resource.""" try: form = request.form assert "resource_id" in form, "Resource ID not provided." assert "data_link_id" in form, "Data Link ID not provided." assert "dataset_type" in form, "Dataset type not specified" assert form["dataset_type"].lower() in ( "mrna", "genotype", "phenotype"), "Invalid dataset type provided." with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: def __link__(conn: db.DbConnection): return link_data_to_resource( conn, the_token.user, UUID(form["resource_id"]), form["dataset_type"], UUID(form["data_link_id"])) return jsonify(with_db_connection(__link__)) except AssertionError as aserr: raise InvalidData(aserr.args[0]) from aserr @resources.route("/data/unlink", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def unlink_data(): """Unlink data bound to a specific resource.""" try: form = request.form assert "resource_id" in form, "Resource ID not provided." assert "data_link_id" in form, "Data Link ID not provided." with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: def __unlink__(conn: db.DbConnection): return unlink_data_from_resource( conn, the_token.user, UUID(form["resource_id"]), UUID(form["data_link_id"])) return jsonify(with_db_connection(__unlink__)) except AssertionError as aserr: raise InvalidData(aserr.args[0]) from aserr @resources.route("/user/list", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def resource_users(resource_id: UUID): """Retrieve all users with access to the given resource.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: def __the_users__(conn: db.DbConnection): authorised = authorised_for( conn, the_token.user, ("group:resource:edit-resource","group:resource:view-resource"), (resource_id,)) if authorised.get(resource_id, False): with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: def __organise_users_n_roles__(users_n_roles, row): user_id = UUID(row["user_id"]) user = users_n_roles.get(user_id, {}).get( "user", User.from_sqlite3_row(row)) role = Role( UUID(row["role_id"]), row["role_name"], bool(int(row["user_editable"])), tuple()) return { **users_n_roles, user_id: { "user": user, "user_group": Group( UUID(row["group_id"]), row["group_name"], json.loads(row["group_metadata"])), "roles": users_n_roles.get( user_id, {}).get("roles", tuple()) + (role,) } } cursor.execute( "SELECT g.*, u.*, r.* " "FROM groups AS g INNER JOIN group_users AS gu " "ON g.group_id=gu.group_id INNER JOIN users AS u " "ON gu.user_id=u.user_id INNER JOIN user_roles AS ur " "ON u.user_id=ur.user_id INNER JOIN roles AS r " "ON ur.role_id=r.role_id " "WHERE ur.resource_id=?", (str(resource_id),)) return reduce(__organise_users_n_roles__, cursor.fetchall(), {}) raise AuthorisationError( "You do not have sufficient privileges to view the resource " "users.") results = ( { "user": asdict(row["user"]), "user_group": asdict(row["user_group"]), "roles": tuple(asdict(role) for role in row["roles"]) } for row in ( user_row for user_id, user_row in with_db_connection(__the_users__).items())) return jsonify(tuple(results)) @resources.route("/user/assign", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource role") def assign_role_to_user(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """Assign a role on the specified resource to a user.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource role") as the_token: try: form = request.form group_role_id = form.get("group_role_id", "") user_email = form.get("user_email", "") assert bool(group_role_id), "The role must be provided." assert bool(user_email), "The user email must be provided." def __assign__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> dict: resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id) user = user_by_email(conn, user_email) return assign_resource_user( conn, resource, user, group_role_by_id(conn, resource_owner(conn, resource), UUID(group_role_id))) except AssertionError as aserr: raise AuthorisationError(aserr.args[0]) from aserr return jsonify(with_db_connection(__assign__)) @resources.route("/user/unassign", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource role") def unassign_role_to_user(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """Unassign a role on the specified resource from a user.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource role") as the_token: try: form = request.form group_role_id = form.get("group_role_id", "") user_id = form.get("user_id", "") assert bool(group_role_id), "The role must be provided." assert bool(user_id), "The user id must be provided." def __assign__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> dict: resource = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id) return unassign_resource_user( conn, resource, user_by_id(conn, UUID(user_id)), group_role_by_id(conn, resource_owner(conn, resource), UUID(group_role_id))) except AssertionError as aserr: raise AuthorisationError(aserr.args[0]) from aserr return jsonify(with_db_connection(__assign__)) def __public_view_params__(cursor, user_id, resource_id): ignore = (str(user_id),) # sys admins cursor.execute( "SELECT ur.user_id FROM user_roles AS ur INNER JOIN roles AS r " "ON ur.role_id=r.role_id WHERE r.role_name='system-administrator'") ignore = ignore + tuple( row["user_id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()) # group admins cursor.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT gu.user_id FROM resource_ownership AS ro " "INNER JOIN groups AS g ON ro.group_id=g.group_id " "INNER JOIN group_users AS gu ON g.group_id=gu.group_id " "INNER JOIN user_roles AS ur ON gu.user_id=ur.user_id " "INNER JOIN roles AS r ON ur.role_id=r.role_id " "WHERE ro.resource_id=? AND r.role_name='group-leader'", (str(resource_id),)) ignore = tuple(set( ignore + tuple(row["user_id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()))) cursor.execute( "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id NOT IN " f"({', '.join(['?'] * len(ignore))})", ignore) user_ids = tuple(row["user_id"] for row in cursor.fetchall()) cursor.execute( "SELECT role_id FROM roles WHERE role_name='public-view'") role_id = cursor.fetchone()["role_id"] return tuple({ "user_id": user_id, "role_id": role_id, "resource_id": str(resource_id) } for user_id in user_ids) def __assign_revoke_public_view__(cursor, user_id, resource_id, public): if public: cursor.executemany( "INSERT INTO user_roles(user_id, role_id, resource_id) " "VALUES(:user_id, :role_id, :resource_id) " "ON CONFLICT (user_id, role_id, resource_id) " "DO NOTHING", __public_view_params__(cursor, user_id, resource_id)) return cursor.executemany( "DELETE FROM user_roles WHERE user_id=:user_id " "AND role_id=:role_id AND resource_id=:resource_id", __public_view_params__(cursor, user_id, resource_id)) @resources.route("/toggle-public", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource role") def toggle_public(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """Make a resource public if it is private, or private if public.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as the_token: def __toggle__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> Resource: old_rsc = resource_by_id(conn, the_token.user, resource_id) public = not old_rsc.public new_resource = Resource( old_rsc.resource_id, old_rsc.resource_name, old_rsc.resource_category, public, old_rsc.resource_data) with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( "UPDATE resources SET public=:public " "WHERE resource_id=:resource_id", { "public": 1 if public else 0, "resource_id": str(resource_id) }) __assign_revoke_public_view__( cursor, the_token.user.user_id, resource_id, public) return new_resource return new_resource resource = with_db_connection(__toggle__) return jsonify({ "resource": asdict(resource), "description": ( "Made resource public" if resource.public else "Made resource private")}) @resources.route("/roles", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource role") def resource_roles(resource_id: UUID) -> Response: """Return the roles the user has to act on a given resource.""" with require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource role") as _token: def __roles__(conn: db.DbConnection) -> tuple[Role, ...]: with db.cursor(conn) as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT r.*, p.* FROM resource_roles AS rr " "INNER JOIN roles AS r ON rr.role_id=r.role_id " "INNER JOIN role_privileges AS rp ON r.role_id=rp.role_id " "INNER JOIN privileges AS p " "ON rp.privilege_id=p.privilege_id " "WHERE rr.resource_id=? AND rr.role_created_by=?", (str(resource_id), str(_token.user.user_id))) results = cursor.fetchall() return db_rows_to_roles(results) return jsonify(with_db_connection(__roles__)) @resources.route("/authorisation", methods=["POST"]) def resources_authorisation(): """Get user authorisations for given resource(s):""" try: data = request.json assert (data and "resource-ids" in data) resource_ids = tuple(UUID(resid) for resid in data["resource-ids"]) pubres = tuple( res.resource_id for res in with_db_connection(public_resources) if res.resource_id in resource_ids) with require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as the_token: the_resources = with_db_connection(lambda conn: user_roles_on_resources( conn, the_token.user, resource_ids)) resp = jsonify({ str(resid): { "public-read": resid in pubres, "roles": tuple( asdict(rol) for rol in the_resources.get(resid, {}).get("roles", tuple())) } for resid in resource_ids }) except _HTTPException as _httpe: err_msg = json.loads(_httpe.body) if err_msg["error"] == "missing_authorization": resp = jsonify({ str(resid): { "public-read": resid in pubres } for resid in resource_ids }) except AssertionError as _aerr: resp = jsonify({ "status": "bad-request", "error_description": ( "Expected a JSON object with a 'resource-ids' key.") }) resp.status_code = 400 return resp @resources.route("/authorisation/", methods=["GET"]) def get_user_roles_on_resource(name) -> Response: """Get user authorisation for a given resource given it's name""" resid = with_db_connection( lambda conn: get_resource_id(conn, name) ) def _extract_privilege_id(privileges): return tuple( p_.privilege_id for p_ in privileges ) with require_oauth.acquire("profile resource") as _token: resources_ = with_db_connection( lambda conn: user_roles_on_resources( conn, _token.user, (resid,) ) ) roles: list = reduce (operator.iconcat, tuple( _extract_privilege_id(role.privileges) for role in resources_.get( UUID(resid), {} ).get("roles", tuple())), []) response = make_response({ # Flatten this list "roles": roles, "silly": "ausah", }) iat = int(time.time()) jose_header = { "alg": "RS256", "typ": "jwt", "cty": "json", } payload = { # Registered Claims "iss": request.url, # Issuer Claim "iat": iat, # Issued At "sub": name, # Subject Claim "aud": f"Edit {name}", # Audience Claim "exp": iat + 300, # Expiration Time Claim "jti": str(uuid4()), # Unique Identifier for this token # Private Claims "account-name": _token.user.name, "email": _token.user.email, "roles": roles, } token = jwt.encode(jose_header, payload, app.config["SSL_PRIVATE_KEY"]) response.headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token.decode('utf-8')}" return response @resources.route("//role/", methods=["GET"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def resource_role(resource_id: UUID, role_id: UUID): """Fetch details for resource.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as _token, db.connection(app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn, db.cursor(conn) as cursor): cursor.execute( "SELECT rr.role_created_by, r.*, p.* FROM resource_roles AS rr " "INNER JOIN roles AS r ON rr.role_id=r.role_id " "INNER JOIN role_privileges AS rp ON r.role_id=rp.role_id " "INNER JOIN privileges AS p ON rp.privilege_id=p.privilege_id " "WHERE rr.resource_id=? AND rr.role_created_by=? AND rr.role_id=?", (str(resource_id), str(_token.user.user_id), str(role_id))) results = cursor.fetchall() if not bool(results): msg = f"Could not find role with ID '{role_id}'." return jsonify({ "error": "RoleNotFound", "error_description": msg, "error_message": msg, "message": msg }), 404 _roles = db_rows_to_roles(results) if len(_roles) > 1: msg = f"There is data corruption in the database." return jsonify({ "error": "RoleNotFound", "error_description": msg, "error_message": msg, "message": msg }), 500 return asdict(_roles[0]) @resources.route("//role//unassign-privilege", methods=["POST"]) @require_oauth("profile group resource") def unassign_resource_role_privilege(resource_id: UUID, role_id: UUID): """Unassign a privilege from a resource role.""" with (require_oauth.acquire("profile group resource") as _token, db.connection(app.config["AUTH_DB"]) as conn, db.cursor(conn) as cursor): _role = role_by_id(conn, role_id) # check_user_editable(_role) # Check whether role is user editable _authorised = authorised_for( conn, _token.user, privileges=("resource:role:edit-role",), resource_ids=(resource_id,)).get(resource_id) if not _authorised: raise AuthorisationError( "You are not authorised to edit/update this role.") # Actually unassign the privilege from the role privilege_id = request.json.get("privilege_id") if not privilege_id: raise AuthorisationError( "You need to provide a privilege to unassign") delete_privilege_from_resource_role(cursor, _role, privilege_by_id(privilege_id)) return jsonify({ "status": "Success", "message": "Privilege was unassigned." }), 200